Your first date-

Bronn was a simple man he loved woman and money so when it came to you he was at a loss for what he should do. You were different than other girls at first he just wanted to be in you but now he actually really liked you. He knew this date had to be perfect or else he would blow his shot so he enlisted the help of the blonde haired green eyed imp. Tyrion planned out the perfect idea. He had a tent set up away from the camp but still a safe distance near the camp in case of a battle. He placed a picnic full of your favorite meals that he could have served on a plush warm comfortable fur. He placed barrels of wine and two goblets in there before decorating it in beautiful candles. The sight amazed you. You knew Bronn could not have done this on his own but you loved it. "Wow," You gasped. "You don't like it dammit Tyrion," He growled in a ramble of words. "No, I love it thank you," You thank. The rest of the night you drank and ate while talking and laughing. Soon enough you feel asleep intertwined as the sun came up. The date was perfect because it was magical. 

What he calls you-


At first, he called you doll because it got on your nerves and he liked seeing you all riled up. Then it became because you were fragile and beautiful just like a doll.

What you call him-


Bronn's job was to literally kill people before he met you and Tyrion. Now since he met you he wouldn't even let a man stare at you before he was ready to tear the man limb by limb. so you called him, killer.

Your first kiss-

You held yourself together for awhile but after you got backs to Kingslanding you couldn't hold it anymore. You arrive in your chambers and after bathing the filth off your skin. When your body touched the plush furs that lied on the soft mattress. Everything you had been through in the last year overwhelming you making you feel like you were being drowned in the rough salty see. Bronn had seen how your mood changed riding up between him and Tyrion in front of the mountain people through those gates and decided to check on you. As he neared your chambers he heard the violent cries. You heard the rough knock on your thick wooden door. You stifled your cries and wiped your bloodshot eyes. Trying to hide your weakness though it did not do you any good with your swollen tear-stained cheek. You opened the door surprised to see him standing in front of yours.  "What may I help you with, killer," You asked playfully trying to hide your sadness. You could tell it didn't work. The sellsword pushed through the door before closing it. He walked over to the bed and sat on it studying your tall feminine slightly tanned skin raven hair and blue eyes in the short thin almost seethrough white nightdress you wore. "Come here doll," He commands motioning you over. You walk over and sat next to him. "What is wrong shouldn't you be happy that your home," He asked his brow scrunching in confusion. "I am happy to be back yes but it is different now I lost the brother that raised me My other brothers are at war against one another for the throne my cunt of a boy that may or may not be my nephew sits on. That said nephew  is being partially controlled by a woman that hates me not to mention I was practically raised royal and had the toughest journey a lady could ever imagine I was almost killed by a woman I had considered a friend and a child I watched over You see my life is now so messy so complicated and I have no idea how to handle it," You crack. "I don't know how to comfort you but I can tell you that I will be here for you," He promises. "Thank you, Bronn," You thank looking into his dark eyes. You leaned up slightly as he leaned down. you connecting your lips together. His hands went to your hair as he coaxed you on to your back climbing on top of you. The kiss was passionate and heated.

Who says I love you first plus how it happens + how he asks you to be his girlfriend-


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