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The ride took 15 minutes to get to beacon from the docks. When they landed, his mask alerted him that there was a hideout nearby. The 4 girls lead him to am elevator, that brought them to the top. The entire trip the girls had been bombarding him with questions, and he was ready to lose it. When the doors opened he saw an old man sitting behind a desk sipping from a coffee mug.
???: welcome Mr. Reaper, to beacon academy. I'm...
Y/n: Prof. Ozpin, the headmaster of this school, I've done my research."
Ozpin: So have I Calvin Schnee."
Faster then anyone could blink, Y/n appears in front of the desk with Agony pointed directly at Ozpin's shocked face.
Y/n: I buried that name. It's Y/n Reyes, now."
He put away his gun.
Ozpin: here's your scroll, and room you'll be staying in."
Y/n: thanks."
You turned around, and saw the 4 girls stunned that you just threatened the headmaster, but Weiss looked the most shocked. And you knew why. Sighing you lower your hood and remove the mask. Weiss got over her shock and ran to you with a smile on her face, and tears in her eyes. but you turn into smoke and move out of the way, making her fall on her face. You then walk into the elevator.
"see ya." He said giving a 2 finger salute.

Weiss POV

Weiss: He's alive, I gotta tell mom and dad.'

I took out my scroll and called dad.
*Ring ring* "Hello?"
Weiss: hey dad, I got some good news."
Mr. Schnee: Really, what is it? Did my little snow angel finally find a boyfriend?"
Weiss: NO!! I found Calvin."
The line went dead silent.
Mr. Schnee: that's not funny, Weiss. That's not a subject you can joke about."
Weiss: listen to my voice, I. Really. Found. Calvin. He's here at beacon."
Mr. Schnee: Me and your mother will be there as soon as we can. Love you Weiss."
Weiss: Love you too dad."
With that she hung up the phone.

Mr. Schnee POV

Mr. Schnee: My son is alive. Don't worry, daddy's coming to get you.
"You" pointing at a rabbit faunas servant. "Schedule a bull head to beacon!"
RFS: Yes sir." (Rabbit Faunas Servant)
She then ran off to do as she as told. And he went off the tell his wife the good news.


When I exited the elevator, I put mask back on, and asked it to direct me to the cafeteria. Few minutes later I arrive, and I  take off my mask as I grab a tray, fill it with food, and go sit down to eat. As I was enjoying a burger,
???: Ow!
???: told you they were real."
???: what a freak."
I turn around and see a boy pulling on a bunny girl's ear, while 3 other boys laugh.
Y/n: I hate bullies, and racists"
I get up from my seat and walk towards them, drawing Pain (just to clarify, Pain is the left gun and Agony is the right gun). When I get to him, I tap his shoulder, and point my gun at his 'friend'.
Y/n: Leave her alone, dick-less."
???: Or what?"
Y/n: Or I pull the trigger. There won't even be enough of it to piss with."
He just laughed.
???: you wo..."
I put my gun away, and look at him.
Y/n: now you really are Dick-less."
His friends grab him and start to bring him to the infirmary.
Y/n: you OK?"
???: yeah, thank you. I'm Velvet, by the way."
"Cute name, and your welcome. There are 3 thing in this world that I truly hate." You hold up your pointer finger. "Racists," you hold up two fingers. "Bullies," you hold up 3 fingers "and rapists. And that sack of shit, qualities for 2 out of the 3. Well, see you around." You walk back to your table and started eating again.

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