Chapter 12

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Mitch watches in horror, as Stiles lays on the ground convulsing. Everything they had said was real. They were really werewolves and Stiles was actually possessed by a thing called a nogitsune. Mitch shakes his head, trying to process it all.

"O-oh my god..." He says, taking a step back.

Right then, he realized that the nogitsune was actually the one who had killed Katrina. There was nothing he could do now, because getting revenge was his only goal in life.

"You okay man? Derek looks at him and raises an eyebrow.

Mitch just stares at Stiles. Could this boy actually be his brother? If so, why hadn't they found each other in the first place? All of these thoughts were running through his head when Stiles started to wake up and look around confused. He looked a deadly shade of white, and appeared to be beyond tired.

Mitch takes a deep breath, walks over to Stiles, and puts his hand out. Stiles looks at it confused at first, but eventually takes it as Mitch helps him stand up.


Stiles had no idea why Mitch was helping him. Maybe it was because he felt bad for him? Stiles hoped it was because Mitch realized that all of this was real, and that they were telling the truth. He also had some sympathy for the boy. Though he acted like an asshole, he could tell that his upbringing wasn't as good as his own. Maybe it was a good thing that they had found each other and Stiles hoped that from then on, they would be brothers and help each other.

"Stiles..." Mitch starts, "I'm sorry."

Mitch looks at Stiles apologetically and sighs.

"I realize now that you were right the whole time, and you weren't the one who killed my fiancee." Mitch looks down.

"Yeah okay," Derek scoffs. "It's not like we were telling you that all along dumbass."

Stiles glares at Derek and shakes his head, telling him to stop with the comments.

"It's fine..." Stiles says, slowly standing up. "That doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that you're here now, and you're going to help us right?"

Stiles was aware of all the confused looks and glares coming his way after he said that. Including Mitch's.

"Help you?" He asks, then shakes his head. "No. I need to get back to my other life. I can't just abandon it to go help some werewolves I met just a few days ago. And speaking of, didn't even know they existed a few days ago either."

"Mitch..." Stiles looks at him and bites his lip. "What is your life like being an Assassin? Do you have a family that loves you? A pack that always has your back?"

"A brother?" Lydia chimes in, taking Stiles's side.

Mitch bites his lip and looks down. Stiles quickly realizes that he had the upperhand in this argument.

"Look, I know we don't have much money wise, and we don't go out to kill people for fun, but if you stay with us, we'll show you what a real family is. Because even though we go through ups and downs, we always have each other. And that's all that matters." Stiles takes a step forward and puts his hand on his brothers shoulder. "Stay with us. Don't go back to the Assassins. You don't belong there."


Mitch looks into Stiles's eyes. They were begging him to stay there, and Mitch was slowly starting to believe them that he should. He honestly didn't like his life as an assassin. Stiles was right, well maybe not about the 'killing for fun' thing, but that it wasn't him. Mitch didn't want to go around killing people all the time. He had missed out on being a teenager, having fun and going to parties, having an actual family to come home to. He knew that if he went with Stiles that he would be able to feel that for the first time. He wouldn't feel like some pawn being used in a game of chess that Stan controlled.

"Okay..." He says, looking up at Stiles. "I'll do it. I'll stay here with you guys."

All of them smiled. Including Derek whom Mitch guessed would probably take Stiles's side anyday.

"However, I do have to go tell Stan and Ghost what I'm doing." He says, crossing his arms.

He knew that no matter what route he chose, they would be angry with him, but he would have to just accept it. He would be in a better life now with Stiles, so he knew that it would work out.

Okay guys, I'm thinking of ending this story here because I don't really know where I'm going with it and if I were to keep going it would be a hella long story. I may or may not make a sequel to this so look out for it in the future. Thank you everyone so much for reading my book!!

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