Chapter 7

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Mitch slowly opens his eyes. His head was pounding from Derek's strong blow. Before his eyes could adjust to the darkness, his first instinct was to run. However, as he tries, he quickly realizes that he is handcuffed to a chair, and his legs are tied to it's legs with thick rope. Once his eyes adjusted, he saw that Ghost was in the same situation, but he looked a lot worse than Mitch. He was obviously unconscious and his black leather coat was gone. He sat in his black long sleeve shirt which looked like it had been slashed by a coyote or something. His face was caked in blood and his gun was nowhere to be found. Stan would not be happy about this. Mitch looks around. They seemed to be in some sort of industrial basement. There was just enough light to make out the long staircase in the middle of the room, leading up to who knows where. Mitch looks down at his feet and thinks about how he could break out of the chair. He uses his body weight to slide the chair forward, but is suddenly met with a electrical shock, running through his body. He hisses in pain and watches as a figure walks down the stairs. The person, Mitch guessed was a he, was very tall and had a muscular build. As he walked down the stairs and over to Mitch, looking very confident. He holds something in his hand that looks like some sort of remote. Mitch guesses it was to initiate the shock he had endured earlier. The guy leans down and waves it in front of Mitch's face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He says, straightening up and putting the remote shocker in his pocket.

"What do you want from me?" Mitch asked, his voice unwavering.

"You see, I could ask you the same question." He raises an eyebrow, then walks in front of Mitch and over to Ghost. "Why are you and your little friend, here in the first place? And why did you want to kill Stiles?"

Mitch shifts in his seat slightly but keeps a straight face. He didn't have to tell this guy anything he didn't want to say. He glares up at the guy, not speaking.

The man just rolls his eyes, and puts his hand in his pocket, grabbing the remote. "Why don't you tell me exactly why you're here, and what your name is." He forces, putting the remote in front of Mitch's face again.

"I'm not telling you shit." Mitch glares at him. "Go ahead, torture me. Kill me. I don't care."

The guy was about to press the button on the remote when he gets interrupted by Stiles.


"Derek. That's enough." Stiles walks down the stairs to see Derek trying to get answers from his look alike. It apparently wasn't going too well.

Derek rolls his eyes and reluctantly puts the shocker back in his pocket. "He's not going to say anything." Derek says, frustrated.

Stiles looks over at the boy. Even though they had locked him up, he still looked like he was capable of killing any one of the pack in seconds. Stiles takes a deep breath and composes himself, trying not to appear as frightened as he felt.

"What's your name?" Stiles asks, staring straight into the guys eyes. It was a mistake. The stare he received from the other boy was enough to make a grown man cry. If looks could kill...

"Get him, out of here." Mitch demands, referring to Derek.

Derek raises an eyebrow surprised. "I'm not moving." He laughs.

Stiles's look alike just shrugs and looks back at Stiles. "Then I'm not talking." He concurred.

Stiles sighs and looks at Derek. "Just go... I'll be fine."

"Stiles are you kidding me?? I'm not leaving you in a room alone with an assassin! That's not happening." Derek shoots back.

Stiles just looks at Derek, silently begging him to leave the room. Derek finally gets the hint and rolls his eyes as he walks back upstairs to the others. Stiles turns to face the assassin, when suddenly, he is grabbed from behind, and forced into a headlock. The assassin had a gun to his head.

"Scream and I'll kill you." The assassin warns, into Stiles's right ear.

Stiles could already feel himself trembling. "H-how did you..."


This kid really was helpless. It would be so easy to kill him right here and right now but he needed answers first. He needed to know how, and why Stiles was pretending to be so helpless and why he wasn't fighting back. Mitch throws him down into the chair he was previously sitting in, and ties him up, just as they had done to himself.

"Who the hell are you?? Who are you working for?" Mitch inquired angerly, once the boy was chained up. Mitch still held the gun in his hand, and had it pointed towards Stiles's heart. One move and he could be dead in seconds.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about." Stiles stutters out.

Mitch just couldn't figure it out. How could this kid, who killed his fiancee, be such a good actor?

"Don't fucking lie to me!" Mitch yells, his voice steady and powerful.

Stiles starts to tremble even more, and tears appear in the corner of his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about.... I'm serious." He whimpers, looking right into Mitch's eyes.

Mitch stops for a second. He had been trained for numerous amounts of situations, and one that always was in the lessons was lying. Mitch knew, like the back of his hand, when someone was lying, since he had trained so many times. But this was different. It was like looking into his own face, trying to tell if he, himself was lying. Mitch studies Stiles. There was absolutely no sign that he was lying. At all. He seemed way too weak to be able to carry out any type of mass murder, or murder, for that matter. Mitch slowly puts down his gun and looks at the other boy.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you are, why you look exactly like me, or why you tried to kill me, but man, whatever it is, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean whatever I did to you." Stiles begs.

Mitch swallows and feels a shiver run through his body. Maybe this wasn't the guy. But how could that be possible? Stan saw the tapes. Hell, Mitch saw the tapes and it was no doubt the boy sitting in front of him that had killed his Fiancee. Mitch shakes his head slowly, his eyes going off of Stiles. "Get me out of here." He urged, quietly.


Stiles looks at the other boy incredulously. Why the hell did he want to leave now?? Stiles didn't want him to leave until he knew everything about the other boy.

"No." Stiles asserts, a little more forceful than he meant for it to be.

"What?" The boy meets his gaze with Stiles again. "What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean no. You wanna hear-" He stops himself from a sarcastic remark. "Look, we just met. You tried to kill me and I want to know why. You can't just come here wanting to kill me and not give me a reason! That's like something Derek would do." Stiles pauses and watches as the other boys expression changes to confusion. Stiles sighs. "At least tell me your name."

"Why do you care?" He scoffs, putting the gun in his pocket. "I don't want to kill you anymore. We're done."  

Stiles looks at him for a few seconds, not saying anything, waiting for him to give an answer. The other boy finally gives up.

"Mitch Rapp... My name is Mitch Rapp."

Heres a longer chapter for you guys because I probably won't be updating as much during the week because of school :( Hope you like it!!

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