Chapter 6

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Mitch gets into position. He was stationed on top of a building with his gun aimed for the door that Stiles Stilinski was standing at. 'Why the hell was he there?' Mitch thinks to himself. 'Didn't he get my message?' Mitch bites his lip, wishing Ghost had let him be the one to talk to Stiles. However, Ghost had insisted it be him so that Stiles wouldn't be confused and ask questions, and so that Mitch would be focused and get the job done. Mitch looks into the eyepiece and rotates the AR-15 slowly, getting it to point straight at Stiles Stilinski's heart. He had done it plenty of times before. 'Today wasn't any different.' Mitch reminds himself, preparing for Ghost's signal.


There was something off about this guy. Stiles just couldn't put his finger on it.

"So... What are you selling? That gun? Because it definitely looks like it's in pristine shape." Stiles laughs a bit. Sarcasm was his only defense and he knew that someday it would get him into serious trouble.

"Oh, I'm not selling anything. I just wanted to ask you a few questions." The man answered, almost like it was rehearsed. Stiles noticed he put an emphasis on the word 'questions'. Stiles raises an eyebrow, starting to get skeptical.

"Me, questions? Why me?" He asks. Then the man, Ghost, steps to the side. Stiles watches him for a second and then thrown to the ground by Scott. There was a gunshot that pierced through the air.

"Stiles run!" Scott yells as he turns into a werewolf and lunges at Ghost. Stiles lays on the ground shocked for a few seconds, unable to move, processing what had just happened. Someone had just tried to kill him.

"Stiles!" Scott yells again, angrily as he fights Ghost. Stiles quickly comes to, and starts running towards the back door. He stops realizing he should probably have some sort of protection. He quickly goes to his dad's room and grabs his handgun he keeps under his bed in a shoebox. He quickly loads it then grabs his phone from his back pocket and quickly starts texting the rest of the pack. -Help!! Come to my house now!- He puts his phone back in his pocket with the gun, then runs out the back door.


He had fired the shot... and then nothing. Something came out of nowhere and grabbed Stiles out of the way. It wasn't humanly possible to move like the way this kid had, to protect Stiles. Now, he was in the process of fighting Ghost. Mitch squints as he watches. There was something off with this kid. He seemed about Stiles's age, just a little more muscular and tan. Suddenly, Mitch saw something. It was almost like claws. Slashing out to throw Ghost's gun to the ground. Mitch takes a step back. What the hell was this kid? It wasn't human. He had glowing red eyes and hair all around his face. Almost like a- Suddenly, he was grabbed from behind.

"Move an inch, and I will rip your throat out." A woman behind him literally growled. Mitch swallowed. He knew he had a knife in his right pocket but he just needed to reach it. This woman had his arms in such a grip, he was starting to think that she wasn't human either. However, he had been through loads of training to prepare for situations like this. He uses his body to slam his elbow into her rib. She groans out in pain and removes her hands from him to hold her side. He quickly and swiftly knocks her to the ground with his feet and grabs his knife from his pocket. He gets on top of her, about to cut her throat open when-


Stiles puts the gun to the guys head and cocks it, his finger on the trigger.

"Put the knife down." Stiles says, trying to keep his hands from shaking.

The guy on top of Malia stops for a second, but doesn't move his hand from the knife against Malia's neck. Stiles tries again, "I said put the knife down!"

Suddenly, Stiles is flipped over backwards and lands on his back. His gun is thrown from his hand and instead of the guy being on top of Malia, he was on Stiles. Stiles looks to his gun. It was too far away and out of reach. He feels something cold resting on his neck. The knife. Stiles slowly turns his head to face his attacker. He was shocked at what he saw. It was like literally looking at himself in the mirror. However, it looked like this doppelganger of Stiles had been through a hell of a lot more than Stiles had. He had longer dark brown hair, more scars, and he had a murderous look in his eyes.

"Did you do it??" The doppelganger asks, pressing the knife deeper into Stiles's neck. He could feel the blood slowly trickling down.

"D-Do what?" Stiles asks slowly, genuinely confused. Why was this guy who looked exactly like him questioning him. And about what?? He had absolutely no idea.

"I said," Stiles could see the frustration and anger in the other boys eyes. "Did you do it??" He asks more forcefully, yet Stiles could hear the hurt in his every word.

Stiles was about to answer when suddenly, his doppelganger was knocked out cold by Derek's fist smashing into his head.

Yayy new chapter! Thank you guys so much for reading! I will update again soon I promise! 

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