Rise of the Sun

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High above the vast mountains of Mistral lies the Arc Mansion. A family of warriors and heroes respected by all in Remnant. Within the mansion are 10 members of the Arc family. A husband, wife, seven daughters and one son. 

At this moment, the Vytal Festival, an international festival held every two years, is hosted by the Kingdom of Mistral, and a certain mother was planning on using this event for a great opportunity.  

"Vert, he needs to see the world!" The golden-haired woman said,"Keeping him locked up in this mansion will only make him dangerous."

"And you think that bringing him to the Vytal Festival is a good idea!?" Her husband, Vert, stomped his boot on the wooden floor. "Rouge, if people see him and find out about his....his CURSE, it will bring danger to our family!"

"It's not a curse! He can control this gift," Rouge looked back to see her only son, Jaune Escanor Arc, age 5, quivering behind her leg."He'll grow up to be a hero, just like everyone in our bloodline."

"What would happen if Atlas found out about him? They would be all over Remnant trying to contain him!"

"Don't be so paranoid! That will never happen, I won't allow it! This is our only chance to bring him outside."

Vert glared at his wife, then slowly to his son. His forest-green eyes met ocean-blue. Those blue orbs just begging him for permission."Please, Love, he needs to experience this..." Rouge pleaded. 

Vert shut his eyes, and made his decision."...Fine. I'll allow it this time. But make sure you go out at night." The man turned and walked to the master bedroom. "Don't forget to bring his sisters along, and keep your weapon close, Rouge." Just please be back safe... 

"I promise, Love, an Arc-"

"-never goes back on their word, I know."

As he left, Rouge smiled and looked at her little boy,"Go and play with your sisters, Sweetie. We'll all have more fun tonight."

Little Jaune was practically vibrating with excitement. "Thank you, Mama! I promise that I will become a Hunter! I'll make you and Papa be proud of me, I swear it!" He quickly hugged her leg tight, then turned around.

Watching her little bundle of joy ran upstairs, Rouge headed towards the basement library. As she walked, she looked at the long hallways of the mansion, filled to the brim with many portraits of their family. She smiled, reminiscing their family's great history. 

The Arcs are well known across Remnant, being war-heroes and all. Each and every one of their family are exceptionally skilled in both Aura-Control and Martial-Arts. 

This mansion? Great-Great Grandfather, Espérer Arc, earned it by saving hundreds of lives, both Human and Faunus, during the Great War, which in turn gave them the title of Nobles from both sides.

Their wealth? Great Grandmother, Désespoir Arc, won many battles during the Faunus Revolution. Her skills defended the lives of the Faunus, and one Faunus family in particular, the Belladonnas, recognized her achievements and rewarded her family with gold.

Deep within the confines of the library lies the ancient weapons and armor of their family. The stone walls contain weapons from guns using the wielder's Aura for ammo, all the way to armor that can withstand any damage. 

Entering even deeper into the library was where the most kept secrets in the Arc family were stowed away from wondering eyes. Rouge entered the chamber and gazed at the weapons encased in solid glass.

The two most Sacred Treasures of the Arcs, Crocea Mors and Divine Axe Rhitta, stood above the rest by having their own personal pedestals. One being an indestructible sword and shield that proudly displays the the Arc Emblem, while the other is a giant, ornate battle-axe with a crescent blade shaped after the moon.

Jaune Escanor Arc: Sin of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now