"It was actually quite relaxing," Lorelai admitted.  "What fancy place does Logan have you guys in this weekend?"

"Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park," Rory answered.  "It's one of Finn's properties."

"I can't wait to see it and hear all about your first two weeks since you've barely told me a thing!" Lorelai said.

The rest of the ride was devoted mostly to Rory telling her mom about the tour.  It had been a little hectic at times, but everything was mostly at a steady pace.  Finn chimed in with some funny anecdotes from the second week.  The thirty-minute ride flew by, and after they arrived at the hotel, they grabbed everything and went inside.  They stopped outside their suite.  Lorelai wasn't totally sure what the sleeping arrangements were for the weekend.

"Point me to my room!" Lorelai requested.

"Yours is with ours," Finn began.  "It's one of the luxury suites.  You've got your own bedroom and bathroom."

"Wow, your family owns some beautiful properties, Finn," she replied with a smile as she looked around in awe.

"Thank you, Lorelai.  You are welcome at any of them whenever you'd like!" he proffered.  Finn opened the door and gestured for everyone to go inside.

"I may take you up on that.  Although, it would be more helpful if I could get Luke to take some time off," she explained.  "You know he was actually considering leaving the diner open the day of our wedding?"

"You never told me that!" Rory exclaimed.  "Who was going to run it?  Caesar?"

"Actually, that was his plan," Lorelai revealed.

"Too bad Kiefer couldn't make it," Rory lamented.

"My mother got lucky there!  She would have been extremely angry about getting bumped from our table," Lorelai said.

"As in 'I've killed more people than I've said dammit, dammit!'?  That Kiefer Sutherland?" Finn asked doing his best Jack Bauer impression.

"The one and only!" Rory replied with a laugh.

"Luke was holding out on me.  Apparently, they did a baseball camp together years ago and bonded over being terrible," Lorelai elaborated.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't call off the wedding for withholding that kind of knowledge.  I mean, he knows about your obsession with the show 24...." Rory admitted.

"The thought did cross my mind, but I didn't feel like canceling a second wedding to Luke!"

"I'm glad you didn't," Rory replied with a smile.

Tori began crying, and she knew that it was about time to feed the baby.  She picked her up and settled down on the couch in the main room of the suite.

"Finn, why don't you go ahead and start getting ready," Rory suggested.  "I'm going to stay here and feed Tori.  Then, I'll be back to get ready myself."

"Sounds good, Love," he said.  He gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving for their room.

"I'd say you two should get a room, but you've already got one," Lorelai said with a chuckle.  "I'm going to grab a quick shower, too."

When the baby was finished eating, Rory burped and changed her.  After a few moments of swaying, her daughter was fast asleep.  She set her in the bassinet in the main room, and she grabbed the monitor before going into her room to freshen up.

A short time later, Rory and Finn beat everyone else to the restaurant.  Logan and Odette were a few minutes behind, followed by Steph and Colin.  Everyone had ordered drinks and appetizers before Robert finally showed up.  Apparently, he needed to make an entrance because he was thirty minutes late.  Rory was stunned to see who was on his arm.  It was none other than Naomi Shropshire.  Finn saw her reaction.

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