0.61 || I would love to

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"And then I had to go out with Scott to buy him a new suit because he thought his other ones weren't good enough. It was a whole ordeal with him, you know since he finally worked up the courage to ask him out..."

Although what Chris was saying was probably important to him, Scarlett couldn't shake off the conversation she had over heard between her brother and Margot.

"But he told me it went well," Chris paused before glancing at Scarlett to see if she was still listening, she in fact was not. "So Scarlett, I was wondering if you wanted to get married or something..."

"Mhm, sure whatever you say Chris," she replied subconsciously.

"Scarlett are you even listening to me?" Chris asked snapping Scarlett back to reality.

"Huh? Oh yes I was, why?" She questioned.

"Okay then when are we getting married?"

Scarlett's eyes widened and she nearly choked on her drink before muttering a 'what.' This of course provoked Chris's laughter which told her he was messing around with her. She was flustered to say the least but she deserved it, she hadn't been listening to his story which he was really content with.

"I'm just kidding Scarls," he grinned. "What's up? You seem sorta distant, is something wrong?" He asked before offering her a calming smile, which Scarlett returned.

"Okay this is gonna sound really weird, and in all honestly it could be the insomnia, but when I was sick I could have sworn I heard my brother and Margot going out. Bare with me Chris, they were talking outside my door about 'not wanting Scarlett to find out yet.' I know it sounds crazy," Scarlett mumbled to herself.

"If it helps, which it might, I saw them leaving your house that day when I came," Chris replied.

"So it is true...but why couldn't they tell me? It's not like was going to say something about it...Chris usually tells me everything, and so does Margot," Scarlett replied, Chris, however interrupted her.

"Okay hear me out," Chris paused to receive confirmation from her, "has Margot ever acted odd in any way?" Chris asked receiving a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" Asked Scarlett.

"I mean, this has nothing to do with your brothers situation, I've always got this weird vibe off of her is all, it's nothing really..." Chris concluded.

"I know what you mean Chris. I've had this weird feeling about her for a while since we moved in together, I haven't said anything but I feel it to sometimes, but let's forget about that. We should just focus on each other," Scarlett replied, although what Chris told her continued to irk her, but if her brother had trusted Margot enough to quite possibly date her, than she had to trust his instinct. He was twelve minutes 'wiser' than she was.

"That brings me to my next topic of discussion, I know this might seem a bit sudden, well not really but, I understand if you don't want to because it's your decision. What was it? Oh yea! Do you want to move in with me?" Chris blurted out incoherently, Scarlett understanding the question enough replied.

"Chris, I would love to,"


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