0.87 || together

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Raising kids was much harder than the two of them had previously expected. It also didn't help that they're kids took turns crying. It was almost like they have a crying schedule, Chris constantly complained.

After their press tour the pair settled back at home hoping to get some time to themselves without having people constantly breathing down their necks. Chris remembered their home being much calmer; however, that was before he found himself dancing around the room with a crying James.

"Please bud we're all trying to sleep," Chris reminded his son, "would you mind crying a bit quieter?" He asked.

Their little ritual ended a few minutes later when James finally began to settle down. His son blinked up at him with innocent blue eyes from underneath his tuft of blonde hair as if he hadn't just been crying his heart out. James' eyelids began to droop as he began to nuzzle against his fathers chest. He let out a content sigh before falling asleep.

Chris couldn't help but smile down at the small figure in his arms. It still amazed him that this baby, the baby he was holding in his arms, was his. Although James and Natalia were big cryers and made Chris want to curl up and cry himself, they meant the absolute world to him. The moment they were born they became the most important people in his life, almost instantly.

Scarlett appeared in the doorway with a sleeping Natalia moments later looking like a hot mess. Chris wasn't one to talk because he probably looked the same way, worse even. They wordlessly placed the sleeping twins in their respective cribs before sitting back for a few moments in comfortable silence.

Chris pulled Scarlett closer to him as she leaned into his embrace. They sighed simultaneously at the unnatural calmness of  their situation.

"I think we're doing a pretty great job," Chris commented in a hushed voice causing Scarlett to snort.

"Yeah, for first time parents." She agreed. "Gosh I need to apologize to my mom for me and my brother. I honestly don't know how she didn't go insane with the two of us," Scarlett responded.

"We'll work this out, I'm sure of it," Chris replied while taking a glance at her.

"Yeah, together," she responded before planting a small kiss on his lips.

"Together," he agreed with a smile.


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