Chapter 12

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[A/N: new book coming soon! remember this book ends at chapter 20]



The bay slowed. I watched his hooves to see for damage. I didn't see anything. The jockey was asking for more but Sam had nothing. I burst into tears, my heart splitting into two pieces.

The horses rounded into the final stretch. I cried. Tears running down my cheek. I kept watch on Sam. They crossed under the finish line quickly.

"And the winner is..."

*end of recap*

Shay's POV

"...CALIFORNIA CHROME!" The announcer cheered. I say there shocked, watching m dad and sister hug. I got up and ran down to the track. I didn't stop till I reached Sam. I hugged his muddy neck. "I love you Sam" I said crying in his neck. I checked his legs and sure enough there was swelling in his front left leg. Finishing 5th with and injury wasn't bad. Neither mom, not dad, rushed to help me. They were to busy with Chrome and Tori. The jockey jumped off and walked away before I could yell at him. I removed Sam's saddle and bridle, switching his bridle for a halter. I called out "Help! Someone. I need a vet. Please. My horse is injured." A vet rushed quickly through the large crowd. He got down by Sam's injured leg, and ran his hands up and down. I stood, tears streaming down my face. "This may be serious," the vet said looking up at me. He slowly got up then said "We need to go to the hospital.". I started crying harder, getting weird looks for fans in the crowd. I could tell that the cameras were aimed at Sam and Chrome. Mom came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I quickly told her what was going on as the ambulance came. A blanket was through over Sammy's sweat covered back and he was loaded into the van. Mom and I got in with him and as we pulled away, all I could see was a look of shock on Tori's face.

*20 minutes later*

We finally arrived at a small equine hospital on the edge of town. The vets flew out the door to help with Sam. It all happened in a blur. They rushed Sammy into x-rays to see what they had to do. I walked through the front door of the hospital with mom trailing a bit behind. I took a seat in one of the hard plastic chairs in the waiting room. I knew I looked like a mess but did I really care right now? No. My phone buzzed a few times and I took it out of my pocket. I had gotten many text and tweets asking how Sam was and what happened. I felt,a fresh set of tears coming on and I squeezed my eyes shut. As I opened my eyes the doctor walked over to us.

"Is he going to be ok?" was the first thing my mother asked. "Well, he shattered his front leg pretty badly. We are going to need your permission to go ahead and do the surgery need, or uhmm you know the other option" the vet replied with a sad but serious tone. The tears fell out if my eyes blurring my vision. " Will the surgery work? How much will it cost?" my mother replied patting my back. "The surgery may works yet I can't be positive. And it varies in price, but probably more than $800" the bet said looking at me with sad eyes. "would it be cheaper to out him to sleep? I would hate to see him suffer." my mom said sadly and with a lot of regret. "Yes" was the only thing the bet replied. I cried hysterically now, afraid of the thought of not seeing Sam everyday. Not playing chase in the paddock or prepping him for racing. I would miss seeing that plain bay face everyday. "Well, I think we should end his suffering." my mother said looking as sad as I felt. "NO!" I practically screamed. "I will not let you put down the one thing in this world that means so much to me. Please, I'm begging you to give him a second chance. I help pay for his surgery please. Don't let I'm leave me." I cried in between sobs. "Fine, do the surgery instead." my mm said sitting back down and rubbing my back. "okay, I will let you know when it is done."

After that the vet walked back into the surgical room. I sobbed into my moms shoulder, and shaking badly. I could lose my best friend. I sat up, and mom handed me tissues. I wiped off my face, which was streaked with mascara and tears. My phone started raining in my pocket. I took it out. The caller I.d said "Tori". I clicked on answer and put it up to my ear.


Shay: "Hello?"

Tori: "Hey, omg Shay. Are you okay? What about Sam?"

Shay: "It's really bad, tori. He shattered his leg. He is in surgery no."

Tori: "I'm so sorry shay, dad and I are headed over there now."

Shay: "okay. Good-bye"

Tori: "Bye"

And with that she hung up.


After Tori hung up, I opened the Twitter application on my phone. I quickly made a tweet and sent it.

ThoroughbredGirl: Thank you all for your concern about Samraat. He is in surgery now. Keep you fingers crossed he comes out okay.

I quickly locked my phone and laid my head against the wall. I shut my eyes, thinking about all the good moments with Sammy. I need up falling asleep.

* 2 hours later *

I opened my eyes to find Dad and Tori sitting next to mom. "Your up." Dad said turning to me to give me a huge. I hugged him back and checked my phone. It was filled with twitter things. "Any news on Sam?" I asked nervous about how he was. "Nothing yet honey. And time now." dad said patting my head. I sat back in my chair. Tori got up and came to sit next to me. "How are you holding up?" she asked placing a hand on my shoulder. "Not very well." I replied tears falling from my face. Tori pulled me into a hug and for the first time in a while I felt that she cared. When tori let go we started talking about how we would have to give Sam all the TLC ( tender love and care) he could want and need. We also talked about Chrome and how he ran a good race today.

Another hour later the doctor appeared. He pulled my parents out of the room to talk to them. After they left I turned to tori who had been on her phone. "I hope he is saying good things." I said nervously. "I bet he is" tori said smiling at me. I turned n my phone and looked at my lock screen. There was a picture of me and Sam. I was smiling like and idiot and Sam looked like he was giving me a kiss. I remember that day. It was right before Sam's first race, in which he had won. I would defiantly miss this, but I was trying to think positive. Mom and Dad cam back in the room. There was no emotion on either of there faces. "How is he?" I asked.

" I'm sorry girls, but..."

A/N: Finally and update! I'm so so so so sorry. I feel bad. But I promise more updates soon. THANK YOU FOR OVER 900 READS❤ That literally means so much to me.

What do you think happened to Sam? Do you think me made it?

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Instagram: @horseracing2014 & @myponay

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