Chapter 8

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Tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. The Kentucky Derby, was tomorrow.

[a/n: not really its on Saturday 5/3] I lead Samraat out of his stall and down to the paddock. We walked down the hill, and for once Sam, didn't stop to say high to every horse. He could sense I was sad. I put Sam in his usually paddock and watched him gallop around. I sat down on the soft green grass. The last couple days were rough. Sam could have been killed of hurt and so could I. Prince was dead and Veronica was out for revenge. Not only was her champion dead but she believes was my fault.

I was the one that made her push Prince. I was the one that magically put the mud on the track. Yeah right?! Tears stung my eyes and I wiped them away. I kept my eyes on Sam, as he seemed to dance across the paddock. I was so grateful he was still hear. Even jumping a log didn't put a strain on him. I got up, pushing my self up. I climbed over the wood and ran towards Sam. He saw me coming and trotting happily towards me. I flung my hands around his he l as we came to a stop. He nuzzles me, his way of hugging. I released him and started to head out. I climbed, once again, over the paddock fence. I walked slowly up the hill, I turned back to see Samraat, was grazing peacefully.

Riiiiing. Riiiiing. Riiiiiiing.

My phone went off. I pulled out my iPhone and hit talk.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Sweetie. Just wanted to tell you your sister is here." Mom said through the phone.

"Oh. I'll be right there." I said hanging up. I put the phone back in my pocket and ran towards are stalls.

Dang it. I had totally forgot that Tori, was coming home. My sister, with brown hair and green eyes was the same age as me. She went to boarding school and now decided to stop. I signed. Things had really changed.

I reached the barn, just as Tori's car pulled up. She stepped out, wearing tan breeches and a forever 21 pink sweater. She was more into fashion then I was. "SHAY!" She screamed when she saw me. "TORI!" I yelled back running toward her. I had really missed her. I didn't realize it till now. We embraced each other in a huge hug. "How's Sammy?" She asked letting me go. "He is good. The derby is tomorrow, and he look amazing!" I said smiling. Tori smiled back hugging me again. "That's wonderful! Can we go see him?" She asked looking for approval. "Yes." I said looking at mom and dad. "Go on girls. Meet us on the track in about 15." Mom said smiling. We both replied with our thanks, then took of toward the paddocks. We raced along side each other, just like old times. We reach Sam's paddock and I called out to him. He raced over to us, nickering. "Hey Sam!" Tori called stroking his neck when he reached us. "He looks great Shay." Tori's said not taking her eyes off of Samraat. "Thank you Tor" I said, calling her what I used to.

"Mom and Dad told me thy might buy another horse." Tori said turning to me. "They never mentioned it to me." I said, confused. "Oh." Was all she replied. Mom and dad getting a new horse? What about Sam?

" I don't think they are." I said grabbing Sam's leather halter. "Ya' never know." She said smiling at me. I gently put Sam's halter on and opened the gate. I walked through, grabbing Sam's halter. The 3 of us, Sam, Tori, and I walked back to the barn.

The wind had pick up and many horse nickered nervously. The wind whipped against the side of the barn. Grooms ran, all over the place, calming horse before the got hurt. I lead Samraat into his stall and hooked him to the back for a grooming. Tori grabbed the brushes and together we got to work.

"Do you think Sammy will to well?" Tori asked starting to brush Sam with a soft brush. "Yes." I replied instantly. If anything I had confidence in my horse. After that Tori was quiet. Something was wrong. I could tell.

The tori I knew never shut up. She was perky, kind, and funny. This Tori wasn't. She was quiet, shy, and just weird. Through out the grooming I kept asking her if she was ok. Did boarding school change her? Then it hit me.

She kept talking about Mom and Dad getting another horse. Was she serious? I put my brush back and grabbed a hoof pick. Before starting I said " Tor, did mom and dad get another horse?" I asked looking into her eyes. She looked at me, uncomfortably. "We-we-well..." She stuttered quietly [a/n: pronounced "weh-weh-well..."]

Calmly, she put down her brush and exited the stall. "MOM! DAD!" I heard her call out. She stood there waiting for them. I watched as the came out if the tack room and motioned for her to enter.

Tori's POV

I entered the tack room. How did Shay know? Maybe I shouldn't have told her mom and dad may have. "What's wrong Tor?" Mom asked. "She knows." I said quietly looking at my feet.

"Oh no." Dad said. His smile faded. "How?" Mom asked curiously. "I don't really know." I said lying. "Shay just came out and asked me, while we were grooming Sam." I added. "Let's tell we then. She deserves to know." Mom said. I looked at them. Nodding my head in approval. Mom hugged me then we walked out if the tack room toward Samraat's stall where Sahy was standing, looking at us.

I had just gotten here and had already caused problems. This want going to end well. I just knew it.

Shay's POV

I watched as mom, dad, and tori walked toward me. They didn't look happy. What had I done now?

I grabbed the brushes and shoved them into Sam's tack trunk. I shut the stall door, then sat atop the trunk. Finally my family reached me.

"Honey," mom started. "We sold half of Sam's ownership." She added. "WHAT?!" I screamed getting a turn if heads from every person in the barn. "Shay, we bought another horse named..."


What horse did they buy?

What horse do you want them to have bought? Comment it💙

Sorry it was short. I promised and update and I'm not supposed to write because if my wets but I promised. So filler chapter.

KY Derby: Saturday!


(Derby list coming soon)


Instagram- @get_the_gallop and @gotcamera

Ask- coming soon

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