Chapter 1

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It isn't always easy being the underdog. Being different. Being unique. But that's how it always was for me.

"Why do you always have to get so dirty Sammy?" I called to small bay in front of me. He nickered in reply and bobbed his head. I laughed. Stepping out of the stall I grabbed Sam's grooming kit.

After currying and picking out his hooves, I hooked a lead rope to his leather halter and lead him out of the stall. The small and compact colt danced on the end of the lead rope excited to get out. We walk through the barn and out into the sunshine.

It was such a beautiful day. After dodging other horses, frustrated trainers and the craziness of the backside we reached the paddocks. I stopped Sam as we stood on top of the hill. The sight was amazing. I switched my gaze over to Sam who was sticking his muzzle out to the other horses next to us. I smiled and patted his neck. "Let's go boy" I clucked to him, jiggling the lead rope a little. Sam turned his head and nuzzles me. Together we headed toward the paddocks.





This is my 1st story! Sorry it's not the

best😥 Also sorry it's so short the next one will be longer! Thanks for reading💕


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