Chapter 6

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We all stared at her with shocked faces. Tears streamed down my cheeks. She was the one who did this to Prince, and se was just going to give up on him. Just like that? I looked down and Prince. His eyes were shut and he whinnies in distress. "Umm, Mrs. Veronica, are you sure you would like to put him down?" Dr.Smith asked. "Yes. It was his fault anyway." She said. Veronica look like she was just about to leave, so I yelled "I'LL BUY HIM FROM YOU!" I looked at my parents and they gave me a nod. Then knew what I was doing.

"Really? Ok fine have him. He's all yours" She sputtered her final words then she practically sprinted off the track. "Congradulations Honey." My mom said. "Now you have 2" My dad said. The pale look on his face was now gone. "So, lets get him into the trailer." Dr. Smith said smiling. I walked over to Sam, who was being held by a groom. I thanked him, and together Sam and I watched my dad and Dr. Smith try to pull Prince up.

I stroke Sam's mud covered neck. "Your such a good boy." I told him. I switched my gaze back to Prince who still wasn't standing. "Shay, come over here." My dad called walking over to me and Sam. While he took the reins of Sam, I walked over to help Dr. Smith. I crouched down and took a firm hold of Prince's blue, mud covered, exercise bridle. "Come on Prince. You've gotta get up." I said softly. He nickered a small replay as if he was too weak. I chocked back a sob. "Come on Prince. You can do it!" I said shakily. From the sidelines Sam whinnied. I knew he was trying to tell Prince to get up.

I gently tugged on Prince's bridle. Slowly he struggled to his feet. Once he was completely standing up, I softly patted his sweaty, dirty neck. I grabbed the light blanket my mom held and threw it over his back. A groom came quickly with his leather halter. Dr. Smith replaced his bridle with his halter while I tried to rub some of the mud of his neck and face. Half of Prince was grey and mud streaked and the other side was completely brown.

Slowly I helped him forward. He hobbled forward, with a sad, dull, and hurt look in his eyes. I gave him a kisses and lead him into the trailer.

*10 minutes later*

"I will call you when I know." Dr. Smith said shaking dad's hand. "Thank you Tim." My dad said looking pale again. Dr. Smith hopped into the truck and drive off. My dad and mom went back to training. I went to get Sam.

"Sam. I love you. Thank you for slowing down. I don't know what would happen if you where in Princes place." I said removing his saddle. We're were in the security of the barn but I just felt depressed. Prince was Sam's arch nemesis but now he was my horse.

After bathing, brushing, and walking Sam, to get his jitter out. I went to go find mom and dad. "Bye Sammy!" I called to Sam as I walked out of the barn. Sam nickered back then went right back to his hay. I walked over to the section where are other horses were stabled. I found my mom and dad in the office. My dad was on the phone. "Ok... Good bye." My dad said before hanging up. "Was that Dr. Smith" I asked.

"Yes... Honey sit down for a minute." My mom said motioning to a chair. I quietly walked over and say down. "How's Prince?" I asked. "Sweetie, he was put down. The whole leg was shattered. There was nothing the doctor could do." My dad said quietly. "What..." I sobbed. Tears streamed down my face. I didn't care.

I stormed out of the barn frustrated and upset. I walked back to Sam's stall. I flung open the stall door, grabbed Sam's halter and lead rope and put them on him. I tied the lead rope so it was like reins and hopped on his back. I urged Sam into a trot. I relized I treated Sam like a pet. Not a racehorse. Sammy, being the good boy he is, trotted out of the barn. We trotted down to the paddocks. I wasn't about to stope there. I heard my parents calls from up on the hill. I ignored them.

"Come on Sammy." I called moving him into a canter. We cantered into the woods. I looked ahead and noticed a tree that blocked are path. Oh shoot.





Sorry this took so long. Jeez this stories going no where! It gets better🌞


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