"Okay and when did this happen?" 

"Maybe about a month or two months ago."

"Do you know this woman's last name?"


"So she's blonde, average height, and around her mid-thirties?" 


"Okay about your father again. How old is he?"

"Around his early forties."

"What's his name?"

"Mark Tomlinson."

"And what's your name sir?"

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Okay so this case has turned into two things. Your abusive father and this Maria woman who raped you is this correct?"


"Has your father abused anyone else except for you?"

"He punched one of my friends."

"Okay who is this friend of yours?"

"Zayn Malik. He's outside."

"Okay. We will talk to him later. Is there anybody else involved in this? Anybody who has seen these beating happen or has heard them?"

"Yes. My boyfriend Harry."

"Okay. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?"

"Well my father is an alcoholic and drug addict."

"Have you seen him take any drugs beside medication?"


"What kind?"


"Alright. Has he come home intoxicated often?"


"And when he does what happens?"

"He either yells at me or beats me."

"Are you still living with your father?"

"No. He disowned me and kicked me out of his house, so now I live with my boyfriend and his mom."

"Is there any other relative you can live with?" 

"No. Not that I know of. All my relatives live far away."

"Do you have a mother?"

"She died a few years ago in a car crash."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"No sir it's okay. Really."

"Do you have proof your father has beat you and this woman has raped you?"

"Um I'm not sure what proof I can give you about the rape, but I assure you it did happen. But as for the beatings, I still have bruises and burn marks on me."

"Are you comfortable with showing me some, because without proof I will not be able to arrest your father or bring him in to court to deal with this."

"So you're going to arrest him?"

"First he needs to go to court yes. Once he is found as guilty he will go to jail for a number of years. If he is not guilty then no."

"If he's found guilty how long will he go to jail for?"

"Hard to say."

"What about Maria?"

"Well if she is found guilty she will go to jail. But I'm not sure for how long either. I will get back to you on that."

"So if my father is found guilty what will happen to me?"

"How old are you?"


"Then you will be able to live on your own or with your boyfriend since you are an adult. If you were under this age you would be in a foster home. You're very lucky."

"Okay. So how are you going to ask my father about this?"

"Well it depends. How do you want us to ask him? If you want we can call him in and ask, but since you said he has a drug problem we will have to search his house. As we are doing that we will be able to ask him about this and bring him into the station. Does that sound good?"

"Yes. Is it okay if I go to the house with you to confront him?"

"Uh I don't know if we can let you do that."

"Well this is my case after all," I said.

"Alright you can go. Any last thing you need to say before we call in your friend and your boyfriend?"

"No sir. That's all."

"Okay thank you. Please tell your friend Zayn was it? To come in."

"WIll do."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I walked out of the room. I did it. I actually did it. I was finally going to get justice. My father was finally going to get what he deserved. And I didn't feel bad for him at all. I was quite glad. After the police officer talked to both Zayn and Harry, we all went back to Harry's house and I told them what the police officer asked me and what was going to happen to my father. Harry agreed to come with me back to my house with the police to confront my father. 

And I felt good about it. It felt amazing to get all this off my chest. It felt good to finally get my revenge and know that what I just did would pay off soon. I felt free.


Hello sorry for the boring chapter, but this was an important part of the story for the next chapter. I would also like to give a shoutout to my friend for making the new cover for my fanfic. Her username on twitter is @zaynwiches so go follow her. I love you all and Happy Father's Day :)

twitter: jukeboxiou

instagram: angela_k13

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