Chapter 20

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    Ethan hummed softly, lost in his own world. Mark was somewhere in the kitchen, and Tyler was still on the couch. A moment later, Ethan felt a hand on his head. He looked up curiously, only to be met with a gracious smile. 
    "Doing good, blueberry?" Tyler asked, not taking his hand off of Ethan's head. Ethan nodded cheerfully, smiling brightly. 
    "Doing great! How about you? He replied, raising his eyebrows, smile not dropping. Tyler chuckled sheepishly, falling for Ethan more every second. 
    "I'm doing great, too." He winked, causing the other to blush. He shook his head, Tyler's hand dropping off.
    "You can't just fluster me and then expect to keep your hand on my head." He laughed, bringing his knees to his chest. Tyler gave a small grin.
    "Aw, that's no fair."
    "Life's not fair." Mark interjected, exiting the kitchen. They both looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Mark winked and gave a thumbs up, the others still watching him. They shrugged, and Tyler leaned back on the couch. Ethan wrapped his arms around his legs, his chin resting on his knee. Mark stood beside him, looking around.
    "They should be here in a few minutes, I think." He stated, glancing at the door. His friends nodded and sat in silence, waiting their arrival. A bit later, Mark excitedly made his way to the door and opened it, revealing a pair of smiling faces. "Ta-da!" He announced, stepping out of the way so they could enter. Ethan cheered as they walked in, Kathryn waved her hand as they both laughed. Amy held her arms out and Ethan sprang up, and she wrapped him in a hug. 
    "How you doing, buddy?" She asked, pulling away from him. 
    "Great!" He smiled brightly, turning towards Kathryn. "Hey Kat, get over here!" 
    Kathryn walked over to Ethan and they exchanged a hug, then both ladies turned their attention to their friend who was sitting on the couch. 
    "Finally hurt yourself, huh?" Kathryn chuckled, "I told you it'd happen Ty! You need to be more careful." 
    Tyler grinned and shrugged. "You're right. I have an excuse though, I had to chase my boy." 
    Ethan smiled shyly and Kathryn and Amy raised an eyebrow, each displaying a small smile of their own. Amy quickly turned around to face Mark, who had made his way into the middle of the room. She held her arms out and Mark did the same, wrapping their arms around each other. 
    "Glad you could make it." He stated happily, closing his eyes. 
    "Always." Amy responded, pulling away after a moment of enjoying their embrace. She took her spot beside Mark as Kathryn and Ethan talked noting Tyler watching the two of them with the slightest grin on his face. Kathryn turned towards Mark. 
    "So what did you guys have in mind we do?" She asked, and Mark shrugged. 
    "I haven't the slightest idea. That's why you guys are here." He joked. Tyler looked up at his response, feeling the need to add on.
    "Anything not involving the internet, it's not working right now." 
    Kathryn frowned and took out her phone, noticing the wifi symbol lit up. "Mine's -"
    "Just don't question it, we'll explain later." Mark explained, the pressure of the secret slowly building. 
    "Yeah, or Mark will throw your phone." Ethan added, causing Mark to scrunch his nose and the others to laugh.  Mark tossed his hands in the air. 
    "I said it wasn't working, I didn't lie!" He exclaimed, everyone's laughter growing. "Anyway, we could all just hang out and talk for a while."
    For the next few hours, they all sat down and talked, cracking jokes, telling stories, and everything else. Marks face suddenly lit up, and the other's looked at him curiously. 
    "Hey! We should do a livestream." He suggested, Tyler giving him a panicked look. Mark met his gaze and nodded slightly, reassuring him. "My laptop is in my room, I'll grab it." He stood up and exited the room, leaving the others to talk among themselves. A few moment later he reentered, sitting back down and setting everything up. Tyler held his breath, trying to calm down. It'd be fine, there's no way he'd find out through a stream.
    Kathryn noticed Tyler's disheveled expression and shot him a concerned look, but Tyler brushed it off and gave a smile. 
    "I thought the internet -" Ethan began, only to be cut off by Mark. 
    "It's back up." He muttered as he finished setting everything up. "It's ready!" He exclaimed, and everyone gathered around the computer. "I'll just tweet out that we're doing it and give it a few minutes."
    A few minutes later they were on, Mark greeting the fans as they poured in. In the background Tyler waved, Kathryn and Ethan poking their heads in quickly, Amy speaking from off camera. 
    They joked with the audience for a while, Kathryn and Amy making their way onto the couch. An hour later, Mark and Tyler were in the kitchen, grabbing some supplies for a dare a fan proposed. Amy and Kathryn both had their headphones on, Ethan sitting in front of the couch, continuing the stream alone for the moment. 
    "Hey guys! Mark and Tyler should be back in a few minutes so I'll just read what you guys are saying." He turned his focus to the chat that was scrolling quickly. "'Ethan I love your videos', thank you so much!" He exclaimed, doing that for every few comments. 
    "Hey Ethan did you see that video of you and Tyler?" He read, surprised at the sudden tightness in his chest. He chuckled. "Do you mean those like, edits people do of us? Those are adorable, you guys are so talented." He managed, slightly confused. He watched the chat closely, a feeling of dread building up slowly. "No, there's a video of you two kissing..." He read softly. He paused, then forced a smile.
    "Guys, that's edited, you can't believe everything you see on the internet." He laughed, looking back at Kathryn and Amy. "Hey guys," he started, causing Amy to take off her headphones, "can you take over the stream? I gotta go grab something from the car." 
    "Sure!" Amy responded, taking the laptop from Ethan. Kathryn took her headphones off as well, watching Ethan exit the room as Amy spoke.
    A few minutes later, Mark and Tyler reentered, Tyler's eyes glancing to where Ethan used to be sitting. "Where's Ethan?" He asked.
    "He said he had to grab something from the car." Amy replied, looking away from the stream. Mark walked over to the door and looked out, noting that Ethan was no where to be seen.
    "Guys, he's not out here." He announced, looking back at his friends. Amy frowned, and Tyler paused. 
    "Hey guys, we're going to have to get off now, we're experiencing some technical difficulties, but it was fun talking to you all! " She stated, moving her head as Mark came into the frame.
    "And as always, I will see you, in the next video, buh - bye!" He finished, waving as he smiled brightly. Amy ended the stream and shut the laptop, and Kathryn looked around the room. 
    "So, what are we going to do?"

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