Chapter 15

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    "Tyler, the doctor is ready to see you." A woman announced, stepping out from a room. She grabbed a wheelchair and brought it to him, Mark and Ethan helping him into it. Tyler looked up at Ethan, who returned the same look of slight fear, mixed with a tad bit of worry. Ethan gave a half attempted smile, trying to not worry Tyler any more, and waved. Tyler rolled his eyes and gave a small smile back, returning the small wave.
    "See ya buddy, we'll be out here waiting for the results." Mark interjected, winking at Tyler. Tyler grinned and nodded.
    "Thanks buddy." He said, meaning it. The woman turned around the wheelchair and pushed it into a room, leaving Mark and Ethan where they were. Ethan shook his head and paced a small bit. Mark furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him, his eyes following his movements.
    "He'll be okay buddy, it's just a sprained ankle. The worst it could be is a broken foot." He said, trying to calm Ethan down. Ethan nodded, showing he acknowledged Mark's words but didn't respond for a few minutes.
    "Yeah, but I caused it." He stated simply, finally taking a seat. Mark raised his eyebrows in confusion.
    "How's that?" He asked, standing in front of Ethan. Ethan sighed softly and shook his head.
    "I ended up running away after something and Tyler ended up chasing me and he fell." He explained, feeling guilty. Mark kneeled down in front of him, resting his arm on a nearby chair.
    "Look Ethan, I doubt he blames you for this. You two were caught up in the moment. It isn't anybody's fault. " He explained. After he finished talking, he pulled out his phone and started typing. 
    "What are you doing?" Ethan asked, sitting up in his chair. 
    "I'm texting Amy telling her where we are, I'm pretty sure she's confused." Mark replied simply, finishing up the message. He slid his phone back into his pocket, only to pull it out again a second later after a beep. "Boy that was fast." He furrowed his eyebrows. "She wants to talk to you. She also wants me to get you Cheez-its." He stated, looking up at Ethan. Ethan shrugged. 
    "We usually split a box between us and just sit and talk. That must be why, she knows it's a comfort thing." Ethan informed, giving a lopsided smile. Mark nodded slightly and stood up, handing his phone to Ethan and then heading off to find the snack. Ethan fidgeted with the phone for a second, stopping when a phone icon appeared. He clicked accept and held it up to his ear. "Hey."
    "What's up blue? How are you feeling?" Amy asked, clearly trying to hide the concern in her voice. Ethan chuckled lightly. 
    "I'm doing okay Nelson, just a bit shaken up." He replied, enjoying their nickname banter. Amy hummed on the other end. 
  "You sure bud? Sounds like a bit more then being just shaken up." She insisted, wanting him to be honest. 
  "I'm sure Amy, thank you for calling me. It helped calm me down." He admitted, looking at the floor and moving his feet around, slightly distracted.
  "No problem, I got you. I also have Mark, who I will fight, because I am the captain of this ship, and there can only be one captain." She joked, causing Ethan to laugh. He grinned widely, and placed his feet onto the ground, no longer distracted. 
  "Don't worry Amy, you're my favorite. You get me Cheez-its, therefor you are clearly the alpha. Congratulations." He giggled, finally feeling better about the whole situation. Amy always knew how to cheer him up in these situations, which is why he regularly went to her for advice. 
    "Yes! Now bring me his head!" She exclaimed.
    "I'm sure he wouldn't have any problem with that, after all it'll mean more views." Ethan shot back, causing both to erupt in laughter. Mark peered around the corner.
    "I heard more views, are you guys planning my demise?" He asked. Ethan laughed and shook his head.
    "Maybe. Unless you get my Cheez-its." Ethan retaliated, smiling smugly. Mark shot back a look and quickly duck back behind the wall.
    "I have to go, Chicas getting into the shoes. I'll talk to you later!" Amy cheerfully stated, the rush in her voice obvious. Ethan nodded.
    "Okay, bye!" He said, and he hung up.

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