Chapter 2

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Both men stood in their places, letting the silence consume the room. Tyler didn't dare move. They eyed each other carefully, both planning their next move. Mark held onto the laptop firmly, bracing for anything Tyler might do. He wasn't sure how he would react, this was an entirely new situation, and a ridiculous one at that. Two full grown men staring at each other in a quiet room, preparing for discussion and attack without actually doing it. After what seemed to be an eternity, one of them sprung into action, Tyler.

He ran and grabbed ahold of the computer, attempting to free it from Mark's grasp, ignoring his soda falling onto the floor. Mark kept his hold on the computer, not wanting Tyler to have hold of it. They wrestled for a few seconds, twisting and turning the device.

"TYLER LET GO! YOU CAN ERASE IT FROM THE HISTORY BUT YOU CAN'T ERASE IT FROM MY MIND!" Mark yelled, catching Tyler offguard. His grasp loosened, allowing Mark to gain full control again. "HA!" He shouted as Tyler backed up. He hugged the computer to his chest and looked at Tyler.

"MARK WHY ARE YOU SO NOSY?! WHY ARE YOU GOING THROUGH MY STUFF?!" The older man yelled. He stared at Mark, feeling his face get red very quickly.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU CAN'T ASK SOMEONE OUT AND NEED WIKIHOW!" He retaliated. They were in a screaming match now, focusing on how loud their voices could go rather than the actual issue.

"WIKIHOW IS TEN TIMES MORE USEFUL THEN ANYONE HERE!" Tyler yelled. He then stopped, feeling his throat burning. He felt a little guilty about what he had said, but that wasn't the focus of the argument at the minute. Mark had discovered what he had tried so desperately to hide-or rather he discovered part of it. It was still threatening, whether it be the whole or the part. It was all still one big secret. One big secret that Mark was about to uncover. Mark sat there, staring at Tyler. He raised his eyebrows and then looked down towards the ground. The guilt was overwhelming Tyler now. How could he say that?

"Mark, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm such a-" He began, but he was cut off by deep laughter. He raised his head up and saw Mark laughing. Laughing. After what he had just said. Mark sat there, holding onto the computer as he laughed, trying to catch his breath.

"Tyler, it's okay," he managed between gasps, "I know you didn't mean it. How about we stop this nonsense and focus on the problem at hand: you have a crush, and you didn't tell me!" He finished, adding a few chuckles between words. Tyler stood there in shock. Soon enough, he was laughing too. "So?" Mark asked. Tyler's laughter died down, although he was still smiling.

"Well, uh... you see, it's kind of a secret." He replied, trailing off at the end. He wasn't sure if he could tell Mark. He didn't know if he could tell anybody. He had a difficult time even admitting it to himself, so other people would be near impossible.

"A secret? From me?" Mark joked, standing up. He placed the computer on the table and took a few steps towards Tyler. Tyler grinned.

"Yep. From you and everyone else." He stated, slyly grinning at Mark. He knew that Mark would attempt to figure it out, he hated secrets. Especially when told to his face that he couldn't know. He also knew that Mark would eventually find out, he was a determined little man.

"But whyyyyy?" Mark whined, crossing his arms. Tyler chuckled at Mark. Oh, how entertaining this was. Tyler decided to give in, despite thoroughly enjoying Mark's antics.

"Well, I feel weird saying it out loud....and they're in the office right now." Mark was taken aback. He uncrossed him arms and opened his mouth. Tyler watched him, analyzing his reaction.

"I swear to god Tyler, if you have a crush on my girlfriend..." Mark whispered. Tyler rolled his eyes.

"No Mark. Really? Your girlfriend?" Tyler asked, amazed at how Mark could even skip over the fact that Amy wasn't the only one in the office. "There's other people in there."

"But the only other person in there is Ethan..." Mark whispered. Tyler nodded slowly, waiting for Mark to comprehend. Mark's face lit up instantly, leaving Tyler embarrassed. "Wait, so you're gay? How did I not see that! You were so obvious with him!" Mark shook his head. Tyler looked around the room nervously.

"Yeah...I guess I kinda was." He mumbled, unsure of what to say. He had just come out to his longtime best friend, and also admitted to liking his editor. All the secrets were out now, at least to Mark they were. He looked down at his feet, feeling nervous. He then felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Ty. Don't worry about it, it isn't a big deal. It doesn't change who you are as a person and it's not going to affect our friendship. Thank you for trusting me with this, and thank you for not liking my girlfriend." Mark had to giggle at that last part, he always tried to ease Tyler up when he was nervous. Tyler smiled a small bit.

"You don't have to talk like you're Ghandi, you know. I was never worried you wouldn't 'accept' me." He stated, smiling softly at Mark. Mark smiled back, feeling proud of his friend.

"Well, since I'm already here, I might as well help you. Do you have anything planned?" Mark asked. He wanted to help his friend. He knew Ethan would be perfect for Tyler, now that he thought about it.

"No..." Tyler stated, snapping Mark back into the conversation. Mark smiled brightly at Tyler's statement, becoming excited.


A/N: There's alot of people wondering why I didn't include Kathryn in the office, I didn't forget about her, she's not in the office at this time for a reason lol. Thank you for reading!

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