The veins pop from under her eyes and her fangs flash, sinking them into his neck. He lets out a scream and in seconds he falls dead with his head falling from his body. The vampire's eyes return to its normal color and swipes her thumb against her chin of blood and sucks the remains.

She rips a part of the guy's shirt and uses it to wipe away at least some of the blood. Cora makes her way back to the boarding house and in the distance, she can see a torn up Elijah at the threshold with Elena standing behind it safely. The doppelgänger's eyes shift towards the Salvatore and they widen as she comes close.

"Can I trust you?" Elijah whispers to Elena and he turns around, coming face to face with Cora.

"Now isn't this something," Cora says in her normal tone, earning a hush from Elena.

"Please, I need to do this. You can't tell your brothers where I'll be," Elena pleads the vampire.

She pulls out the dagger that was used on Elijah and hands it over. Cora raises her eyebrows at the trade off for his trust and she sighs, not wanting to get in the way of Elena's plan.

"Fine. Don't get yourself killed," Cora glances at Elijah and walks back inside to clean herself up.

The vampire takes a quick shower and takes her time looking for a nice outfit for the day. She hears Stefan call out for Elena as he woke up with her not by his side. Finally the sister chooses a casual attire, not wanting to dress up and walks downstairs to see Stefan leaving Elena a message and Damon kissing his blood bag.

"Oh god, you're little play toy is still here?" Cora states with her arms crossed. "She's not some wind-up toy."

"It's really none of your business. Is it, Cora?" Andie shoots back, giving the sister a glare.

"It is since you are under my roof and smooch up my brother in front of us like it is our business," Cora fake smiles.

"I have to go to work," Andie ignores the sister's comeback. Cora smirks in victory and winks at the news reporter.

Stefan glances over to see the basement door is opened. He rushes over to investigate it and Damon follows his brother, concerned. Stefan arrives to the cellar and sees that the Original isn't there. Both Damon and Cora appear behind him soon after.

"No, she didn't," Damon says. Cora leans against the doorframe and shrugs.

"Oh yes, she did."


"It's my decision, Stefan. Please respect it. And make sure that Damon doesn't do anything stupid. I'll be in touch."

Cora and Damon listen as Stefan talks to his girlfriend, clearly worried about her risk taking decisions. She has told her brothers about the doppelgänger's plan and as expected, they are angry at the fact that she didn't tell them in the first place.

"Did she just hang up on you?" Damon asks his little brother.

"She did."

"She's lost it," Damon states.

"If anyone can get Elijah to help kill Klaus, it's the doppelgänger," Cora says, not using her name because she is salty.

"Bonnie's the way to kill Klaus, Cora," Damon gives her a look. "He thinks she's dead. We have a chance with her."

"She'll kill herself in the process. Elena's looking for another way," Stefan backs up his sister.

"Her way's going to get her killed. So we need to find her and stop her."

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