Start from the beginning

  I smiled slightly as I looked in the mirror. I wasn't really done getting ready yet, but the halfway product looked really good at this point. I had so far showered, shaved my legs to the point that they were like silk, painted my nails for the hundredth time this week (now they were a sparkly black), began to curl my hair and I had slipped on my dress.

  I absolutely loved my dress. It was black, which had made Lydia comment that every outfit I wore consisted of like eighteen black items. But that didn't bother me. Besides purple, black was most definitely my favorite color. It had semi thick straps and a sweetheart neckline. The top part was tight, hugging my torso. When it hit a few inches below my chest, it fanned out into a flowy skirt which ended about a little ways past mid-thigh.

  I went back to my vanity, my bare feet padding across the hardwood. I sat down after sweeping up my skirt.  I think my eyeliner was in my hand for about three seconds, not even uncapped, when I heard something downstairs.

  "Carson?" Stiles familiar voice called out.

  Figuring he had used my back door, I groaned. I was nowhere near ready. Of course.

  I sighed, getting up and walking out my bedroom door. I stopped near the staircase and peered around the wall. Stiles was down there, looking handsome as ever and was fiddling with a box in his hands.

  I poked my head around the corner. "Hey!"

  He looked up and smiled. Then noticing only my head was showing, he chuckled. "Um, where's' the rest of you?"

  "I'm not finished getting ready," I told him. "I basically only have my dress on right now. So just, uh, make yourself at home. I'll be down in like, five or six minutes. Ten tops."

  He chuckled again, nodding. "Whatever you say, babe."

  My heart fluttered at the words and I shot him another smile before ducking back to my room.

  Twelve minutes later, I was officially ready. I had released the curler from my hair one last time, getting it to be the way I wanted. Quickly unplugging it, I stuffed it back in the drawer. I yanked a brush through it once more, before fixing it into place. I stood, smoothing out the skirt of my dress. I quickly fixed the chain on my earring cuff and slipped on my heels.

  "Here goes nothing," I murmured to myself.

  I shut my bedroom door behind me, it closing with soft click. As I headed for the stairs, I began softly chuckling at how cliché my entrance was going to be. I thin in every movie imaginable, the girl walks down the stairs. I'd probably be that girl who falls and breaks her neck while doing it.

  I started down the stairs and the clicks of my heels seemed to get stiles' attention. He looked up with a smile which quickly turned to his jaw dropping and him almost dropping the small box. I blushed slightly, pushing my hair behind my ear as I reached the bottom.

  "Hey," I said softly.

  "Hey, uh, you...whoa," he breathed, his jaw still halfway to the floor.

  I raised an eyebrow. "What? Does it look bad?"

  "No! No, definitely not. You look perfect," he said, eyes shining. "Absolutely perfect."

  I blushed yet again, before pulling on his tie, straightening it. "You don't look so bad yourself, Stilinski."

  "I try," he laughed. He flipped the box over in his hands again and it caught my attention.

  "What's with the box?" I asked curiously.

  He looked down at it, as if he had forgotten he had it. "Oh, uh, yeah, this is for you."

Both of Us ▸ Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now