Chapter 60

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Songs of the Chappie:

Talk A Walk- Passion Pit

Big Jet Plane- Angus and Julia Stone


One month later...

I woke up without Harry being next to me in bed. I officially moved out here after discussing with my therapist that I needed a divorce from an emotionally and physically abusive relationship. She understood and helped me get the papers together. I signed them at her office and packed my bags while he was on a business trip one weekend. I shipped it over to Harry's place and I said goodbye to sister and her family. She was happy and it was time for me to be happy. When I arrived back home with Harry, we started discussing his job and my job. He decided to take my story in and hand it to his friend in the publishing side of the business. He said I didn't need a job, but I decided I could at least work at the nearest bookstore. It would definitely help me see what people are interested in and books are a passion I had.

I got out of bed and quickly ran into the bathroom where I threw up in the toilet. I sat next to bathtub and laid my head against the rim of it before I heard footsteps coming into the bedroom.

"Baby," Harry's voice called.

"In here," I whispered, fearing that if I spoke too loud I would throw up again.

"Honey," he said. His voice was growing fearful and I could tell that he thought I had left without him knowing.

"Harry," I said a little louder. Then I realized it might be easier if he heard me hit something so I kicked the bathtub.

"Oh," he said, as he walked into the bathroom. He saw me on the floor and looked confused before he looked in the toilet.

"Oh baby," he said as he sat next to me and pulled me into his lap. I buried my face in his neck as he kissed my head. This had been happening for the past four days and we still didn't know what was happening.

"Harry I don't want you to leave me," I cried into his neck.

"I'm not leaving you," he said as his arms wrapped around my waist tighter.

"No I mean for work. Don't leave me here alone," I said.

"If I don't go to work then I'm taking you to the doctor," he said.

"But Harry," I whined.

"No buts," he said as he carried me down to the car with his phone in hand. He sat me in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on while calling his job.

"Hello. Yes, sir I won't be able to make it in today. My girlfriend hasn't been feeling well and we don't why so I'm taking her to the hospital. Yes sir I should be there tomorrow. Alright thank you. Alright bye," he said as he started the car and pulled out the driveway and heading to the hospital.

He held my hand tightly and I laid my head against the window as I stared out the window.

"Baby," he said as we parked. I opened my eyes to find that we were at the hospital and I winced softly. He got out of the car and came to my side and carried me into the hospital. I kept my face buried in his chest as the time past and we sat in the waiting room.

"Harry and Vanessa," a voice called. His grip tightened on me as I felt him stand up and carry me into the doctors office. They kept us busy by checking my height and weight and blood pressure.

"Alright Dr. Hausel will be with you in a moment," the nurse said as she walked out the room. I stared into the mirror at my reflection. I knew why I was throwng up and I had a feeling Harry knew too, but he didn't mention it if he did.

I leaned against the mirror as I stared into my reflection and i knew slightly that this wasn't just because I was pregnant...

"Hello Vanessa and Harry," Dr. Hausel said, walking into the room.

"Hello," I said softly.

"So what's been happening?" he asked.

I looked down at my feet because I knew once I started explaining Harry would put the pieces together and grow upset with me.

"Well I've ben throwing up for over a week," I said.

"Have you had any sexual intercourse?" he asked.

"Yes, but not during this week," I replied.

"I see and have you gotten your period yet?" he asked. Harry, who had been quietly listening with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked in my direction.

"I missed it," I said.

"Sounds to me like your pregnant. Have you taken any test?" he asked.

"Yes, and the results came up positive," I said.

"I see, well I'm going to need you to do a few things for me," he said.

"What is that?" i asked.

"You're going to see a Gynecologist to make sure your pregnancy goes well and that both you and your baby are healthy. I'm also going to need to take some blood to make sure everything is going fine eternally," he said, grabbing a needle and tubes.

"Alright," I said, holding my arm out.

I felt a sharp pinch that lasted for a second or two and he took my blood. I quietly began thinking that I would die. Not because Harry is going to be throughly pissed at me for being pregnant. Not because I was pregnant. Not even because of the pain that I would encounter while having the child. But something in my mind told me, that I was going to die.


We laid in bed without saying a word to each other. He hadn't touched me since we found out that I was two weeks pregnant. He hadn't said a word to me since we left Dr. Hausel to go to the gynecologist. I stared at the ceiling trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't and I knew Harry couldn't either.

"Why didn't you tell me that you missed your period?" he whispered as we sat in a void of darkness with the tension rising each second.

"I thought you would be upset with me," I said. I turned over to face the closet before I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"Why would I be upset with you?" he said, kissing my shoulder softly before nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Harry," I whispered.

"Yes," he said.

"I think I'm going to die," I said. I felt a tear slide down my face as I began to think of all the things I would miss my child doing.

"Why do you think you're going to die?" he asked.

"I just have this feeling," I said.

"Don't worry, you're still alive here with me and our baby," he said, rubbing my tummy.

"But what if," I started.

"Don't think about think about it. Just think about now," he said. His grip on me tightened before becoming loose and I heard soft snores. I thought about the future before falling asleep.... and when I woke up the next few months, I thought about the present.


2 more chappies before its all over...... And when its all over...... you should read my new story Invisible Shadows because its Luke Hemmings like why not?????

Anyways prepare yourselves for the saddest ending ever because next chappie is sad and the last chappie is well.... you tell me?

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and I Love You all

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