Chapter 4

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"Potter! How did the Headmistress think this was going to be okay! We have been enemies since forever!" Draco said.

He was sitting in his and Harry's room in his bed. Hermione and Ron were trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working.

"Look" Mione said. "Harry's stuff isn't even here, that means he didn't know yet. Maybe we can talk to the Headmistress so you don't get killed. She has to have noticed that he has been very violent lately." Ron was sitting on Draco's bed with him, rubbing soothing circles on Draco's back. (They actually figured out that they have a lot in common and Ron was actually starting to like Draco)

"It's not just that" Draco said. He then went on to explain what happened in the closet. Once he finished his story, Ron and Hermione looked confused.

"Wait, did you know that you have a cat tail, cat whiskers, and cat ears?" Ron asked. Draco started having a panic attack.(me too Draco)

"What do you mean CAT EARS!" His hands flew to his head, he felt soft furry cat ears. He instantly reached in his trunk for his mirror that his father had given him before he went to Azkaban. It was a broken piece of the mirror of Erised. (It only shows as a regular mirror when others are around though)

He looked into the mirror and saw that he had white cat ears that stuck out from his head, and cat whiskers on his face. He looked down and grabbed his tail. It was the same color as his ears, a snowy white.

"Why are you just NOW telling me this!?!" Draco asked the two.

"We thought you knew honestly. One second, let me show you something." Hermione said as she reached into her bag. She pulled out a book from our care of magical creatures class.

"Draco, I believe you are what we call a Neko. You are pretty much a cat human hybrid. Neko's are pretty much extinct too, and they also have a mate." Draco already knew this though, because he had read ahead in all of his textbooks to try to get a head start. He had wanted to try to beat Hermione this year in his studies. But, Hermione kept skimming through the book, and suddenly stopped as she came to a page marked 'Veelas'.

"What color did you say his eyes were again?" Hermione asked carefully.

"Violet" Draco responded.

A/N Don't skip over the picture for the chapter, it's really great xD oh, and I will be adding another chapter because I missed a day :(

Word Count--- 467 words

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