Chapter 3

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Draco had no idea what to do. There was no one he could go to talk about it either. Pansy and Blaise would just tell him to suck it up and go get them their money back.

Draco just sat there for a few minutes, then quickly ran to the 8th year common rooms. They we're supposed to be assigned a dorm and a roommate today, so he had to check anyways. The night before, everyone just slept in a random room, but headmaster McGonagal was trying to make house unity, so she is assigning everyone a roommate that wasn't in his/her house last year.

When Draco finally made his way to the painting of all the house founders, he nodded his head to Salazar who seemed to have taken a liking to him, and said "bats spleen." The painting to the common room swung open, and Draco stepped inside.

In the common room, Granger, Weasly, and Luny Luna were sitting in a corner at a table completing a potions essay. Well, more like Granger and Luna were, the Weasle was asleep with a quill stuck to his left cheek and drooling. Draco took a mental picture to laugh at later, and walked up to the trio to ask where the listing for roommates were. Before he could even say anything though, Granger pipped up.

" The listing for roommates is posted on the bulletin board near the entrance to the dorms. Do you still need help with your transfiguration essay?" Draco blushed, he had hoped she wouldn't say that part out loud, but now that it's out in the open, he guessed he doesn't have to keep up an act anymore.

"Thank you, Hermione, also I'm not sure on the transfiguration homework. I think I will be good. Who are you rooming with this year?" Draco asked. Ron just stared at them.

"Mione, since when are you helping Malfoy with Transfiguration homework?!" He then turns to Malfoy. "And since when have you called her Hermione?!"

Draco just smirks at Ron's dumbfounded look in his face. "We have been helping each other with our studies since second year in private. We have been doing it because we realized that I was great in potions, but sucked in Transfiguration, but she is great at Transfiguration, but needs some help in potions. We didn't tell anyone about it, because we didn't think people would approve of a Gryffindor and a Slytherin hanging out." Hermione stood up and kissed Draco on the cheek.

"thanks for all the years of helping me in potions, by the way love."

Draco kissed her cheek and said "no problem."

Ron just gaped at her. "Mione! I thought you loved me! You said I was the one that broke the curse that Potter put on you!" Draco suddenly started laughing. "Bloody hell mate! How is this funny to you! You stole my woman!" Ron stated angrily.

Once Draco finished laughing he apologized to Ron. "Weasley, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to appear that way, but I'm not interested in Hermione. I like blokes. Do you think we can start over? I'm sorry for the way I treated you over the years. You have to understand that I was forced to take the dark mark, I had no choice..." Ron stared at him for a minute then smiled.

"Yeah, sure mate. We can be good as long as you don't take my girl." Draco smiled.

"Thanks mate. I really am sorry."

"Don't sweat it. Oh, and if you need help with that roommate of yours, we can't help. He sort of hates us right now after what Mione did..." At hearing this, Draco ran over to the list near the entrance to the dorms.

A/N Thanks to all those readers that are sticking with me and commenting and voting. It really means a lot! I really appreciate all of you avocados🥑. I love you guys!!!

P.s~ I might start updating more than one chapter a day for those of you who want it.

Word count~~~ 682 words

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