Chapter 23: The Day Destroys The Night...

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 Jupiter and Saturn had a new orbit. Instead of merely going around the Sun, the two planets revolved around the new Second Sun. From Earth at night, it was as bright as a full Moon. On the systems of Jupiter and Saturn, the perpetual energy shortages they were known for was resolved, and it was expected to be a new renaissance for the gas giants.

On board a large cutter headed back to Eros, Ed and most of the crew of the INDEPENDENCE were being repatriated back home. Instead of talking to each other or reminiscing about their summer vacation, each was studying textbooks. After what they been through, a GED seemed preferable to sitting through a Federation history class when they wrote the last chapter themselves.

Johnny was taken to the hospital ship LIBERIA by Mr. Cold. Alice was in a medically induced coma, intubated, and the surgeons were unable to save any of her limbs. Johnny was going all to pieces.

"The doctor says Alice will make it. Says your friends saved her life. She is going to need more surgery, but..."

"Why did she do it? She knew she was overmatched against that thing."

"Because if she didn't, evil would have won. You all would have died, and the nukes would have gotten through. She knew she would lose either way. At least this way her friends would live."

Johnny brushed Alice's face and got no reaction. Mr. Cold touched her head.

"She can't hear you right now. Come back to the DISCOVERY with me. The captain wants to show you something."

Bunny got her friends together for the last time before they headed back to the Academy. Bunny's new role would prevent her from going back with them. She was pleased they had all lived despite the odds against them. Twenty-four percent of their classmates did not.

"I would like for the Empire to recognize Hera Davidson for her sacrifice. If it wasn't for her, we'd all be dead," Miko genuinely mourned for her rival and underclassman.

"Agreed. I hereby posthumously give her the title of Duchess of Halifax, and give her the Victoria Cross," the Queen became more sombre, "God, I miss the way she used to piss you off."

Ray stepped forward, "Sergie, I mean Lieutenant Sergetov. He sacrificed himself, his team for your armistice. What about him?"

"He shall be given a VC and made a duke as well. It's only fitting he-"

"He's not coming back! He saved the world and all he got is a few useless titles and an 'atta boy!' Is that fair to a hero?" Ray was sobbing.

"He's dead! Gratitude is the only thing we can give him. We owe these people our lives, but if we gave them that what was the point of their sacrifice? If we could... we... I... IT'S NOT FAIR! All we can do is give out useless medals and live! And they are all still dead." Bunny dropped the cold monarch act and hugged Ray, and both cried in each other's arms in front of the assembly.

"That's all we can do for them, is live," sobbed Ray.

The cutter landed on Eros and the Star Scouts disembarked, with their families ready to meet them. A large gathering of reporters were there, as the story of their adventures had become big news. Deb and Millie's parents ran up and hugged their girls.

"Millie! If we only knew! Why didn't you tell us?" Millie's mother sobbed.

"I was young, scared. I thought I would be the one in trouble. I was embarrassed." Millie knew she would have the mental scars the rest of her life, but at least she had closure seeing her attacker pay the ultimate price. If only he hadn't claimed one more victim...

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