Chapter 16:Fly Me To The Moon (Reprise)...

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 The ARQUEBUS was refused reentry to the INCHON, and had to fly itself back to Fort Aldrin. The two scouts were given uniforms by the crew and given cover to anyone inspecting. Ed took Mr. Cold aside.

"Who is Krenshaw, and why is Hera more important than the box to the Navy?"

"Krenshaw is with Naval Intelligence., same as me. He is tasked with Special Activities. That is he is an assassin. His job is hunting people. Hera is the strongest person in the Solar System. She's valuable."

"So Krenshaw thinks he can turn her into an assassin?"

"More than that. It has been a dream of intelligence services for two hundred years to make another me, but there has not been another source of raw materials." Mr. Cold was grim, "We can't let them do that to her."

Krenshaw came to Warren and Quail's cabin and barged in, "I thought you might like to see Johnny. He won't tell me anything. I don't think he knows anything I need anyway. I turn him over to your custody. The Federation case is closed and you can get off my ship when we get to the Moon."

Quail and Warren walked to the brig and the door opened. Warren started, "Johnny I'm gonna give you three seconds to tell me where the FED... What is this? Jimmy! Quail, they got the wrong idiot. Where's Johnny? Where, where, where?"

"Hi ya Grandpas!" Jimmy was in high spirits after taking a beating from those intel thugs and only giving them suggestions on what they could do with their mothers.

Hera woke up to find herself tied down. She laid there and just listened to what was going on. She heard a door open and heard the voice of the man that captured her.

"How is it going?"

"She's still unconscious. Phase one of project Red is complete. We had to use drills to put in the IVs, but we got it."

"And Phase two?"

"Reprogramming will have to wait until we get to Fort Aldrin. We don't have the tools here."

"Any results for Phase one yet?"

"Estimate tenfold increase in strength and speed. Durability increased by a factor of twelve. We won't take out the IVs until Phase two is complete. May be a risk of infection, but her immune system in fortified as well."

"The Alien DNA sure makes for a perfect woman. You think the brainwashing could include making her want to be mine?"

"I figured we could make her a nympho, let us all have a turn." Hera shivered. They did something to her, and she knew she had to get out quick.

"What about the other one?"

We saved his life. At least his brain is as intact as when we found it. He will die, eventually, so the experiment will be self-limiting. He is the perfect candidate for Project Shell."

"Let's talk to him. Craven! You have been a naughty boy! We can make a new body for you but you have to play ball and work with us!" A loud static-y screeching was the only reply. What house of horrors did I end up in, thought Hera.

Warren and Quail had the crew lined up in the interrogation , uncuffed but in their military prisoner uniforms.

"Alright you eight-balls! You really did it now. Mutiny! Stealing Scout property. Stealing Navy property! Smuggling. Kidnapping and murder!" Quail was as livid as he ever got.

"Wait, who'd we kidnap?" asked Emma. No one denied any of the other crimes.

"The girl from Olympia! Where is she? You didn't sell her into slavery, did you?" Warren would not be surprised by anything they did.

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