Chapter 8; Burning Like A Silver Flame...

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 The mob freighter was chugging past Venus when it rendezvous with the passenger liners. The ship was loaded down with soldiers, associates, and capos. The consigliere was Two-Tone's personal representative for this mission, and went to the Captain's quarters.

"We have found a signal. They are still near the Sun. We must make best speed..."

"No, we hang out here and intercept them."

"But our orders..."

"We do not have the speed to chase them. They have nowhere else to go but Venus. We wait." This will be sweet, thought the captain. After what Johnny and his crew did to his Skipper, retribution would be his. And he could show up this office-chair driving lawyer.

When shift change rolled around at 0400, Ed came to relive the bridge watch from Frank. Little Frank was hidden in his back pocket.

"Alice was supposed to have the next watch, Ed, but wake me up instead. The girls had a rough night." Good, thought Little Frank, the boy was learning empathy.

At 0600 Frank woke Jimmy up and told him Deb asked for Jimmy to serve breakfast. By 0700 corn flakes and burnt toast was served. Jimmy and Frank crept quietly with breakfast, and laid it carefully out on the well deck. Jimmy left a little love note on Deb's tray and went back below. Frank turned off the alarm on Alice's tablet and took her bridge shift. When Alice woke up and realized it was 0900, she crammed a piece of toast in her mouth and ran to the bridge in her nightgown. She ran into the pilothouse and saw Frank at the wheel. He turned, and she covered her front with her hands and braced for the inevitable lewd comment.

"You're up. Hey, I'm covering your shift. You and Johnny enjoy the morning," He said cheerfully. Calm and cool, just like Little Frank told him. Alice stood there and let her arms drop to her sides, tilted her head slightly to the right, toast still hanging in her mouth. She turned and walked away.

Down in the men's quarters, the crew was electrified by the cheesecake photo Dennis had over his bunk. Soon, every man not on duty was scanning their photo albums for similar pictures. Ed had the easiest time, as everything looked great on Hera. He settle on one of her in the pink bikini and ran to navigation to print a picture. Johnny got word and frantically searched his photo album. Nothing! Just Alice looking militaristic, sharp, professional! Soon, he was surprised to be in an early morning session of heavy petting. Alice was still a little jealous of the thing between him and Deb, and was overcompensating by making out with Johnny.

"Hey, Um, Alice?"

"Yes, Lover?" Alice was in her Bayside shirt and short shorts.

"I was wondering. I don't have any pictures of you... as a woman. That is, um..."

Alice laid back on the bed languidly, and stretched out "Take all the pictures you want!"

Johnny did, but instead of following up with smooching and possibly touching, Johnny ran to navigation and stood in line behind Ed. Alice alone in the room, wondered what the hell that was about, looked in the mirror, and decided it must not be her.

Shifty had come up to the well deck to help Millie down. He found Millie airing out her wound, naked laying face down on a blanket.

"Want me to take a picture, let you see how you're healing?"

Millie, still under the influence of narcotics, was agreeable to this. Shifty then quickly helped her into her robe, helped Millie to the bunk, and ran to navigation to wait in line.

"How nice of him to take a picture of my ass for me! Love it!" Millie mumbled to no one in particular.

Deb had come downstairs to help Jimmy with cleanup, splashing as they cleaned the dishes. Both their uniforms got soaked, and the happy couple laughed.

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