Chapter 9: I'm your Venus...

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 ARQUEBUS stayed with the wreck until the Space Guard arrived to take over search and recovery efforts. Mr. Cold was sending his preliminary report of the battle aftermath to GHQ, and Warren the same to The National Scout Council. Quail walked in.

"Skipper says we are low on supplies, and the crew could use the leave."

"What, what, what? They can have leave when we let them," Then he remembered how the FEDERATION incident started. Since news of the mutiny broke last week, there had been two acts of disobedience and an assault on an officer on some of the more oppressive ships. Some "dirt" scouts had been transferred to many boats, officially as a cross-scouting learning experience, but really to act as a marine guard. The loyalty of the ground pounders were almost as much in question as the sailors, thought.

"The best way to get them is to stay in orbit." Mr. Cold realized the others might not have his endurance, and it would be nice to stretch his legs. "Okay, I guess we have to. Which city though?" the odds of landing in the same city as the wayward scouts was astronomical.

"Caledonia was always nice." Quail had fond memories of meeting his wife there.

"INDEPENDENCE, this is Hamburg control, you are cleared for entry. Call the ball." The boat lined up with the landing lights and entered the small opening at the stern of the underside of the gigantic zeppelin that was New Hamburg. Johnny parked on a cradle, a complementary wash down of any atmospheric acid that may be on the hull, and the boat was parked in a corner of the cavernous hanger. At the gangway they were met by a customs official.

"Gutentag! Do you have anything to declare?"

"Not a thing," Johnny was all smiles. With the lax gun laws and the jettisoning of the warhead, they really had nothing to declare.

"Da, none of my business, but what happened to your boat?"

Johnny stayed all smiles. Like you said, it is none of your business. Go back to being a bureaucrat and follow the form, and moved to the next ship! You're busy! "Hit some space junk on the way in."

The official nodded. Old probes from the twentieth and early twenty first century were a real hazard. "Da, enjoy the stay, and be sure to visit Alf's! It's good, very clean and friendly. Tell them Hans sent you!" His brother-in-law gave him a kickback for everyone he sent their way.

The crew took the elevator to the surface and found themselves in the town square, kept to a Bavarian village appearance for the tourists. Never mind Old Hamburg was a port city. The crew made their way to Alf's, where they were already headed. Hilda worked there. Jimmy took the rear, pulled by Emma and Deb. At the entrance Hilda greeted them in her uniform.

"Gutentag INDEPENDENCE! Gutentag, Jimmy." She winked in Jimmy's direction, but it was meant for the two girls that were holding him by the wrists. "We must greet you in the New Hamburg fashion! She led the crew to two back rooms and had them change clothes, the boys in lederhosen and the girls in drindls.

"My leather shorts are too tight!" complained Jimmy.

"Naw, lipshin. They fit you good!" said Hilda.

"But Johnny's the same size and..."

"No, no! You must go out and sit down!"

The crew were lead to a long table in the biergarten, on a raised platform. They were to be the guests of honor.

"Hilda tells me you great friends, ja?" said a jovial Alf. "You have anything on the house!" Alf had a little bit of an ulterior motive.

Hilda came out and put a stein in front of each scout.

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