Chapter 21: And There's Nothing I Can Do...

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 Monster group was heading up People's Boulevard, straight at the Politburo and Marshal Ustov. Golem group was to be more surreptitious. Sergetov and his team were going to pass through an access gate as a cleaning crew, overtake the guards at the main gate, and let Monster team in. The renamed Foxtrot Prime passed checkpoint Alpha, and Irina made a call.

"Sorry, Dad! I'm going to be late for breakfast."

"It's okay dear! I know your job keeps you up all hours. I love you," replied Gansk from his command AFV. Operation Gods of Titan was a go.

A spook at Security HQ noted the transmission. He noted the transmission and knew Gansk's daughter was a waitress and did keep strange hours, but the voice was different than what he had heard of her. He picked up the phone and called his section chief.

The 147 took off, escorted by HMS INDEPENDENCE. FNS ARQUEBUS would follow behind and only offer support if the armistice didn't go through. The three boat crews all had their own thoughts as they made their way into contested space.

Aboard the P-147 Ed and Hera were holding hands. Ed had something in his pocket, to be given after the mission. He hoped she would say yes.

"Hera, Do you worry things are moving too fast?"

"This is going too fast. We should wait for confirmation Foxtrot succeeded."

"No, I mean us. We didn't even know each other existed four months ago, and now I never felt closer to anyone."

Hera blushed, "I feel the same way. You know, I used to pray for you, to come and find me, my true love."

Ed squeezed her tight. The mood was ruined by Miko.

"No fraternization between Officers and the lower ranks!"

"You can't tell me what to do, we're the same rank!" protested Hera.

"Mr. Cole, don't you have radio checks to perform?" ordered Miko.

"Mr. Cole stay right here, and that's an order!" barked Hera.

"Don't try to usurp my authority!"

"Don't tell my man what to do!"

"Knock it off you two! If I have to come back there, I will turn this boat around and there will be no mission!" The girls settled down and for the first time since the tragedy of 2048, Cold had an unfond memory of his stepchildren.

"Now Ingrid. Don't you think you we're a little too hard on the kids?" asked Amy. Miko stuck her tongue out at her friend/superior officer. "That's a time out for you little girl, until you stop with the sass!"

Behind P-147 was INDEPENDENCE, Lieutenant Sir Jonathan Warren OBE commanding. Everyone was wearing their helmet this time. Johnny spoke first.

"So when this is over, I guess it's over."

"What'da ya mean, Skip?" asked Dennis.

"Well if the solar system doesn't blow up, summer vacation will be over. We got our legal loopholes that frees us. We can go home. I just imagine after this is over, we might want to do something else."

Alice sat down next to her fiancée, "I was going to enlist in the Space Guard, but actual combat soured me on military service. I think I'll go to college, take a few classes and see what to do. But whatever I do, I want it to be with you, Johnny."

Dennis went next, "I'm going to try singing. I figure if I can help save the world, I might can put together a good demo tape."

"I could use my psychopathy for good, be an actress," said Emma, "Once my hair grows back I'll look as good as ever. There's plenty of good-looking actresses with small boobs."

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