Chapter 6: Ain't That A Kick In The Head...

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 Alice had the conn as the boat passed through the lock, the ersatzosphere being supported by massive towers that also held the massive mirrors that both kept Mercury in perpetual sunlight and tropical temps. The whole planet was a series of island and tropical seas, a paradise where it was always noon. The land was too crowded for berths for spacecraft, so INDEPENDENCE had to do something unnatural for a boat; it had to land on water. The PT-100 class was designed with the possibility of landing on aqueous planets and moons in mind, so it was fitted with a hull. The boat sailed about fifteen minutes to a marina and found a water-berth. The crew tied up and set out to sell off some of the ill-gotten goods. Millie and Deb set up sewing bees on the long trip to turn some of the leathers and pelts into various fashionable clothing and club ware, some for personal use but mostly for sale in the local clothing boutiques. Ammo was inventoried and surplus weapons and rounds were taken to local pawn shops. This netted the crew a sizable amount of money. The pantry was full, a splash of fuel was put in the auxiliary tank, and there was plenty left over for personal use. Emma, Ed, and Shifty stayed aboard, started to disassemble the port fuel tank. Jimmy was confined to the boat by Johnny for some infraction, and acted as the gofer.

Hera and Alice, who became good friends after the last arm wrestling match, decided to take their money and find some new clothing. Hera joined without any gear, and Alice, being closest in size to Hera, had to donate some of hers. Neither had proper leave clothes. Alice's clothes on Hera was too short and too loose. Hera, used to the thick haze of Jupiter put on a pair of stylish sunglasses Millie had lent her. The pair made their way to a shopping district, using a soltower as a landmark. Unfortunately, you can't turn around on Mercury without seeing a soltower, and turned around they soon were. The pair found themselves in a rough part of town. The girls huddled closer together. Alice wished for one of Millie's guns. Hera would settle for a good rock. Presently, three local toughs came up to them.

"Hey babes, what's shakin'?" The leader asked.

"Yeah, you wanna play with us?" said another thug.

"We're just looking for the boutiques, thanks." said Alice.

"Follow us, ladies," said the third thug, gesturing towards a dark alley.

"Not a chance, creep," Hera shouted back.

"Shut up bitch, come with me! Your coming with us!" The leader grabbed Hera around the waist and arms. The second thug grabbed Alice by her wrist and started to drag her towards the alley.

"I said NO!" Hera threw her arms apart, breaking both his humeruses, and dislocating both his elbows. Screaming, Hera turned around and pushed the leader down, breaking his ribs and causing him to roll end over end several times. Hera then jumped about eighty feet in the air, leaving her loose uniform on the ground and leaving her in her dark blue bra and red panties. The Jovian landed in front of Alice and the thug. Hera then grabbed the thug holding Alice by the wrist, crushing it severely and causing him to let go. Hera then punched him in the face, sending the thug flying backward. His head hit a concrete wall forty feet away, making the concrete crack radially. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head, most of his blood leaking out of his ears and nose.

"Bitch," the last thug screamed, pulling out a gun and shooting Hera at point blank range in the belly. The round bounced off the the nearly nude woman. Hera looked over her sunglasses, giving the you're-so-stupid look. The thug disappeared in a flash and a cloud of ash, the thug's gun landing next to a pair of burnt stumps.

The pair was stunned at what just occurred. Hera quickly redressed and vowed to keep her sunglasses on while on Mercury. Their clothing was a little torn, so they decided to go ahead with the shopping trip.

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