"Yes, Newt has feelings for me-"

"What you'd say?" Thomas asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "Newt has feelings for you?"


"Wait, he has feelings for you? So, it's true. When he said that I don't deserve you." Thomas told her

Mia asked, "Tom, what are you talking about?"

"When you were and wanted to be 'alone', Newt told me that I don't deserve you. Now, I know why." Thomas said

Mia responded, "What? Tom, that doesn't mean anything to me. Okay, I love you!"

"And Newt loves you." Thomas stated to her

Mia responded, "Tom, no matter what, I'll always love you. I'll choose you. And when Newt told me he loved me, he knew it was wrong. His crush on me was long before I met you. I didn't even remember you. I told him that my heart chose you. I choose you."

She continued, "And every day I'm proving it to you. By putting my life out there on the line, for you."

"You don't think I'm doing the same thing? You don't think that I love you?" Thomas asked her, with his eyes that softened

"That's not what I'm trying to say, Tom." Mia explained. "It's just-it's hard for me to believe that you do love me. You told me that we were serious, but I don't even know what that means."

"Yes, because we are serious. What's hard to believe in that?" Thomas asked

"Just forget it." Mia said then started to walk away

"Stop pushing me away, Mia." Thomas said making her turn around, he walks over to her, wiping the tears falling down her eyes, "Don't cry, Mia. Don't cry."

He wraps his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close. She slipped her arms around his torso and lets out soft sobs

"I'm sorry, Mia. I didn't mean anything I said. I just got jealous. I'm so sorry." Thomas whispered

Mia said back, "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for not being able to go to you when I need help. I didn't mean anything I said too, I promise."

Mia lifts her head up looking up at Thomas, "I love you, Tom. I really do."

"I love you more, Mia. You own my heart and my soul." Thomas said wiping Mia's tears and letting his tears fall too. "You have all of me, baby."

He kissed her forehead then her lips. Mia kissed back wrapping her arms around his shoulders. His nose brushed against hers as he moved his head, but still kept his lips on hers.


Brenda tossed the keys to Jorge and Jorge caught it.

"Better get going, old man. Long road ahead of you." Brenda told him

She stood in front of him as Jorge said back, "You sure, I can't talk you out of this? This is your last chance."

"You know, it's not like you to shy away from a fight." Brenda pointed out

Jorge responded, "You know, it's not like you to go looking for one. I just can't help but think about when I walk out, I may not ever see you again."

"Look since when are we sticking our necks out for strangers?" Jorge asked/whispered

Brenda looks up at him and replied, "I was a stranger once too. Besides, Mia needs us. She needs me. And I know that Mia needs all the help she could get."

She continued and saw Mia put her jacket on the table, "I lost my brother, Jorge. I don't want Mia to go through the same thing I went through."

"Just don't leave us hanging." Brenda said with her hands on Jorge's shoulders.

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