chapter 2

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as me and Jasmin walked back i noticed something very strange..

the woman, i mean Demi Lovato, she looked so happy but as we turned back the smile on her face faded so fast.
well i know Demi has some issues, some of them are similar as mine, i read about it abit when i was younger. my little sister Chloe is actually a lovatic, so i actually know a lot, more than enough.

after like 5min the guy who looks like Wilmer waved to us. i told Jasmin i gotta go to the bathroom so she went to take the order by herself.


i woke up to an empty bed, again.
since Wilmer and i broke up i feel this hole inside my chest. by i mean it's only fair, i knew it's going to happen. we decided to break up since we are much better as friends, i love him with all of my soul, but after all i guess it didn't mean to be that way.
after 10 minutes of thinking how my whole life turned out the way it was i heard my phone rings

"hola hermosa, how are you doing" he said in a very happy tune
"i'm alright thank you, i just woke up, how ar-"
he cut be off by asking me "yes i assumed you only woke up but can we meet, i have something to talk to you about"
"yes sure, starbucks"? i asked
"yes, in half an hour, thanks dems"

i got up from bed and started getting ready


i stopped my car and saw Wilmer is waiting for me outside, i walked to him with a smile
he hugged me tight while saying "hey dems, it's so nice seeing you again i've missed you"
i smiled a weak smile and broke the hug
"should we come in"? i said nervous knowing he's about to tell me something that maybe i don't want to know

as we walked in, i noticed such a beautiful girl, she was abit tanned, but not to much, it looked very natural. green eyes, but special green eyes, it had a bit of brown and yellow strips, i couldn't stop staring at her eyes. and her hair, wow it was so long, it was wavy and blonde, it looked perfect on her.

"hello, where would you like to sit"? the other girl said with a smile
i didn't even notice there was another girl to be honest. i was all focus on the wavy long hair girl.
"well we would prefer a quiet spot to be honest" i said said. "we don't want any paparazzi to see us" Wilmer completed me.
the other girl looked at the beautiful girl with a confused face.
"i am Demi Lovato, a singer" i said smiling

"OMG YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SINGS SORRY NOT SORRY" she jumped in her place.
"yep that's me" i giggled

they leaded us to a quit place at the end of it, the light wasn't too good so it's actually was perfect.

"here is the menu, wave to us when you are ready to order"

she said as we smiled back at her
as they walked away, my smile faded immediately knowing Wilmer is about to tell me what's up

"so what do you want to talk about" ? i asked looking at the menu
"well, i know we are not together anymore, but as very close friends i feel like i need to tell you first. also because of everything we've had you know"
"go on" i said facing him now
"i met this girl, called veronica, she looks so beautiful and god i can't get my eyes off her, we are actually together, for a few months now, and i just wanted you to know it first before we publish it. i don't want you find out about it by social media, i respect you"

i couldn't listen to him after saying how beautiful she was, my head zoned out thinking if she was more beautiful than me, skinner then me.

she is demi, she is skinner than you.

my voices, i couldn't stop the voices

she is so beautiful and you look like a piece of crap, you're trash

i felt Wilmer's hand touching mine
"are you okay Demi"?

"yes i am, i am so happy for you Wilmer, i accept it with every piece of my heart, we're only friends and i'm glad you moved on and started a new fresh relationship, i'm glad you're happy" i said with a weak smile

"thank you so much demi, you have no idea how much it means to me"

"so let's order"? i said breaking the silence
"sure" Wilmer said as he waved these two girls.
the beautiful girl said something and then walked off, i hoped she would come, but i noticed something is actually wrong with her.


i went to the bathroom, i walked there so fast, i knew exactly what's going on. one of my cuts opened and my arm was abit sore.
i do self harm, but i never told anyone about it, it's only my way of getting out my demons you know. the feeling with the blade pressed on my body makes me calm down somehow as a medicine. it makes me feel alive, the blood is assuring me that i'm still here, sometimes you can be so dead inside that you're looking for something physical to show you you're still alive, even though you don't want to be.
complicated right?

i wet my finger a bit and cleaned my sore spot
my sleeve was up while i heard someone come in the bathroom, i took my sleeve down and washed my face, looking at the mirror.
i heard them come in but i didn't bother to look

"you know, first days at works aren't that bad"
i heard a woman's voice says
i turned around to see that gorgeous woman i met before, Demi Lovato
"how did you know it was my first day" i asked with a confused look  
"well it's not so hard to tell you are completely nervous" she said laughing "but i realized it's your first day as you walked after that girl, hm.." she wondered as she doesn't know her name
"Jasmin" i said, with a smile
"yeah Jasmin, and you are"? she asked waiting for an answer
"i'm Elenor, i mean elle, i prefer elle"
"well nice to meet you elle" she said as she was done washing her hands

we stared at each other for awhile not knowing what to say
"so are we gonna get back there or you're gonna just keep staring at me with these beautiful eyes of yours" she said with a smirk on her face
i felt myself blushing, turning back to the mirror not facing her anymore
she laughed saying "you're cute when you blush"
i felt my cheeks get red as i heard the word 'cute'
"yeah well, i am even cuter outside work"

did i really just say that, what the hell was i thinking

"okay then you better meet me after you done working"
"i can't resist hanging out with cuties like you" she said flirting and winked at me

"so meet me in here at 4"? i asked me nervously
"sounds perfect, can't wait" she said as she walked away, out of the bathroom

wow what just happened.

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