Gabriel whose trumpet sings wondrous hymns

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Gabriel whose trumpet sings wondrous hymns,
Brother rise to me fill this vacant throne,
Humility 'side come you are not him,
Wrestle me in vain I'll hath no bemoan,
No fight I hath lost yet he I have lost,
Selfish woe and eke dripping sword doth see
My angels alive, I embrace exhaust'd,
Thy woes raise joy how I loveth all thee.
Kneel before me, Gabriel thy pain clear
To see, misty eyes I hold stormy cheeks,
Heart alight, with love rise and hold thy spear,
Worthy I bid, salvation thy bespeak,
My sword shall lighten thy holy duty,
Sing hymns to redeem this tragic beauty.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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