Thy broad wings doth settle mine hearts altar

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Thy broad wings doth settle mine hearts altar,
Deacon sings thy praise with every Mass beat,
Thy wine and bread on tongue without falter,
To you, blessed be thy forever he greets.
Thy liturgy carves a grave of kind grace
In the heavenly skies, our swords do weep,
My blade pierces you in heartfelt embrace,
Wings asleep, thy blood in mine altar seep.
My heart fell to hell whilst body here doth dwell,
A heartless husk draped in heaven's fine'ry,
In thy boat of mis'ry my heart doth knell.
Archangels thrust in hellfire's refine'ry,
Flames lick thy mold, soul tempered dull and black:
Heart knell tolls thine lead made mine stained-glass plaque.

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