~Chapter 21~

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The day of The Cure concert had finally arrived. I painted my fingernails black just for the occasion. I used to be the weird gothic chick in high school that always had her nails painted black, thick black eye shadow on, and baggy trip pants with chains everyday. Thinking back, maybe that was why guys found me unapproachable. I was a freak. Although I traded in my trip pants for a more subdued look, I was still a goth at heart who loved her goth rock.

The closest thing that I had to anything remotely gothic to wear in my closet was a long-sleeved jersey T-shirt with skulls on the arms with a pair of black skinny jeans and some Converse High Tops. I put some black hair extensions through my pink hair and wore some dark purple lipstick- The closest shade that I had to black.

I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. It was time for me to go pick up Trevor.

Regardless of how this goes, just have fun, I thought to myself.

I pulled up to Marvin and Kay's house and he was already waiting for me on his front porch. He looked simple in a black T-shirt and skinny jeans. He wore a black fedora and his sunglasses.

"Hey, Trevor!" I yelled as I walked up to the porch.

He didn't move or say any anything, so he obviously didn't hear me. I forgot that he was hard-of-hearing, so I waited until I reached the porch to greet him again.

"Hey! Ready to go?" I asked him, noticing that his fingernails were also painted black.

"More than ever!" He stood up with excitement.

He latched on to my arm and unraveled his cane and we walked to my car. I started to open his side of the door and he stopped me.

"No, no, no. This is a date. Allow me," he said, feeling his way to the other side of my car, opening the driver's side door for me, "I still want to be a chivalrous kind of guy, even though you are the one driving us to the concert. I hope you do realize that I would drive you if I could and I hope that isn't something that bothers you."

"I appreciate your chivalry. Most men aren't like that nowadays," I said, getting seated into the driver's side, "Driving doesn't bother me. As long as I know where I'm going, I find driving to be pretty relaxing. And this time, I actually know where the concert is at, so it should be a breeze getting there."

The concert was at the UIC Pavilion, not far from Chicago's Little Italy, where Trevor and I had our amazing date. He got into the passenger seat we were off. I put on my mixtape of The Cure in the car blasted it loudly.

"Can you please turn it down a little?" He asked me kindly, "I want to be able to talk to you during the car ride and I can't hear you speak if you have the music turned up that loud. It just distorts everything. In fact, if you don't mind, I will probably take my hearing aids out for the concert. I'd rather strain to hear than to listened to The Cure with static and buzzing."

"That's fine," I said, turning down the volume, "I'm sorry. I just thought by having the music louder that you would be able to hear it better."

"Don't apologize. You didn't know," he smiled, "I'm still trying to figure everything out, too."

"How have you been adjusting?" I asked him.

"Better. I'm trying to stay positive about it all. I'm just glad to be alive and going to this concert with somebody that I truly care about."

Thoughts swirled in my brain. If he really cared about me, then why did he crush me like he did? I told him that I loved him and he flat out rejected me... I pushed those negative thoughts aside. I didn't want to think about the breakup for the rest of the night.

"So, the pavilion is near Little Italy at the UIC Pavilion. Did you want to stop at one of the bars off of Van Buren and have a drink? And by 'drink,' I mean, a drink."

"Oh definitely just a drink. I'd rather not pass out in the yard," he joked... or at least I thought that he was joking.

I parallel parked the car along one of the side streets and we walked into to the nearest bar, which was packed with locals. We got a few stares from people as walked in. Not only did we both look like gothic teenagers stuck in the early 2000's, but people were staring at him because they noticed his cane. I don't really know why, but I didn't really notice people staring at him before. Maybe it was because I was always so fixated on him that I didn't notice? But it really made me uncomfortable. I think that he sensed my body tensing up from the eyes glaring at us.

"People are staring," I said to him as we walked up to the bar.

He laughed. "Oh they do that! Well I'm sure that they don't see people like me everyday. They are probably just curious. Just disregard it."

A petite blonde bartender came up to us, "What can I get you two?"

"I'll have a Stella Artois and a glass of ice, please," I said to her.

Trevor cocked his head and I could see his brow lifted behind his glasses.

"A glass of ice? Really?" He shook his head, "I'll take a Stella as well. Thank you."

She brought us our beers. I poured mine over the glass of ice and took a sip, not really knowing what to say to him. Thoughts about our breakup still hovered, despite my best attempts at not thinking about it. God, I hoped that the night would get better.

"So... I have a surprise for you tonight," he said to me, "I think you're gonna like it."

Maybe it would get better after all...

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