~Chapter 13~

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The following Monday after closing time, Trevor finally came in to tune the piano in the practice room.

"You know Pops isn't going to like this, right?" My brother watched as Trevor took out his tools and lined them up on the floor so he knew where they were at.

"Dad will get over it. The piano is really out of tune."

"What is this garbage music?!" I heard a voice coming from the front end of the shop.

It was the boisterous voice of my loud Italian father, expressing his dislike for my eighties synth-pop that was blasting throughout the music shop.

"Oh crap!" My brother gasped, "I'll try and distract them."

"Quick, Trevor, put away your tools! My parents came home from Italy early. If my dad sees you doing this, he will have a stroke!"

He felt around on the ground for his piano tuning hammer and mute wedges and put them into his tool box.

"Well I certainly didn't expect this today. Do I look okay?" He stood up.

He looked so good his denim button-up shirt with matching jeans and black Dr. Martens. He had his signature sunglasses on and his wavy brown hair was a little longer since when I first met him. It covered the small scar on his head from the break-in. He looked perfect.

"You look fantastic! Now let's get out of this room before my parents catch us alone together."

"What would happen if they did?" He asked me.

"First, my mother would send me straight to the parish to confess my sins to the priest. Second, you would lose your job and would be banished from ever stepping foot into this shop ever again. Third, we would have to break up and we would never be allowed to see each other again. Then they would send me on a plane to Italy to marry some old Italian guy that is twice my age."

"Well then... I suppose I should get out of this room. You lead the way, my lady!"

He latched onto my elbow and put together his white cane. Walking out to the storefront, I wondered if he was as nervous as I was. This was incredibly nerve-wracking.

"Mother, Father! You can home early! How was your trip?" I greeted them with a hug.

"Your Uncle Nino- He talks too much! He was about to drive your mother crazy!" My dad said.

"Oh, please!" My mom smirked, "That's not true, Keri. Your paranoid father was worried about the shop, so he insisted that we come home."

"You two didn't have to leave. We have had it under control. It's been doing well. Our sale has been a success. Trevor has been doing an excellent job here."

"So you are the one that I hired off of Craigslist, huh? You weren't kidding when you mentioned that you were blind," Papa laughed.

"No, Sir. I am completely blind, but I can tell that you run a very good business. I have really enjoyed my time working here with your daughter."

"Well now that we are back and that Franky is home now, we don't really need your help. You can go ahead and collect your things. Keri, my love, will you go clock him out of the computer?"

I looked over at Franky. His tanned Italian complexion had turned a ghostly white and he had his hands cupped over his mouth. He knew what was about to go down and he knew that it had the potential to get ugly.

"But Papa, I thought that you said that you might hire him if he was any good?! He is incredible at repair work. He's way better than Franky!"

He lead me away from Trevor, but if things were true about blind people having super-sonic hearing, I knew that he could hear everything that was being said. I knew what he was about to say.

"My beautiful sunrise," He whispered to me, "We don't need his help! He can't possibly be that big of help around here. He's blind!"

"He's a huge help! And for you to disregard that because of his blindness is just plain ignorant, Papa! He's my boyfriend!" I yelled at my father.

"Keri, it's okay... really, it is!" Trevor called over to me, trying to calm me down.

All I could do was stare at him. I couldn't even talk. I was blood red and on the verge of crying. I felt embarrassed of the way my father carelessly let him go. Meanwhile, Trevor stood there unaffected by my father's harsh comments as if he had heard them before.

"It's okay, Keri. He's gotta do what he thinks is right. And with that, I'm gonna go... Mr. Valenti, thank you for this job opportunity."

Trevor held out his hand and my father shook it.

"Kid, listen, I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I didn't know that you were the one who was dating my daughter. I wouldn't have said what I just said had I known... I'm really sorry." My father apologized to him.

"You don't have to leave, Trevor. I'm the boss around here, not my husband," my mom chimed in, "And I say that you aren't going anywhere! If my Keri Isabelle says that you are a big help, then you should stay. And it's nice to finally meet the man that my daughter speaks so highly of."

"Thank you, Mrs. Valenti," He smiled, "I would be glad to stay here if you give me the chance. Music is everything to me and this job is perfect for me."

My dad threw his hands in the air, "Well... she is the boss lady, so I guess you can stay. But I want to see some of the work that you have done here. And if I catch you doing anything unprofessional with my daughter or if you ever make her cry, I'm going to have to let you go... for real this time."

I took a big sigh of relief.

"I won't let you down, Sir. And I will take excellent care of your daughter."

My heart was beaming!

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