~Chapter 18~ (Trevor)

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"Drink up!" Niles yelled into my ears, causing my hearing aids to buzz. I had the volume turned down because the sound in the nightclub was giving me a headache...Or was it the alcohol. I wasn't sure. I could feel the pounding sound of electric bass booming through the floor, traveling through my whole body like electricity. Although the music sounded like fuzz, I could tell that it was a far cry from the music that I listened to.

Why did I agree to this? This was not the right way to cope. Instant regret filled my mind as I guzzled down my fifth beer.

I could tell that there must have been a lot of people there by the smell of the room. The dance floor wreaked of pot, booze, and sweat. I was doomed.

Because I refused to leave my bedroom for a week after I broke up with Keri, I stupidly agreed to let Niles take me somewhere just to get her off of my mind and get out of the house for a while. I should have known that he would take me to a Chicago nightclub. Not a good place for the blind, the hard-of-hearing, or the broken-hearted.

I hoped that maybe some drinks would help me drown out the memory of her for just a little while. But all I could visualize was a petite free-spirited pink-haired girl in a mustard-yellow sweater. I was never going to get her off of my mind. I wanted to go back home and lock myself up in my room again.

"Niles, I want to leave," I told him, "This isn't my scene."

He ignored me.

"Bartender, can I get a shot of Fireball for my foster brother?!" He yelled over the loud music, "He needs something that's gonna perk him up." He patted me on the shoulder.

Niles put the shot glass in my hand and I stupidly downed all of it. The taste of cinnamon filled my mouth and the burn of whiskey scorched my throat. Suddenly, I began to feel warm all over and memories of Keri began to fade away... And so did everything else.


"Christ, Trevor, wake the fuck up, bro!"

I awoke to Niles yelling in my ear again. I sat up, realizing that I had passed out somewhere outside on the grass. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. I must have over-done it.

"Dude, where am I?" I sat up, confused.

"I was told that you passed out at the bar, so they threw you outside. It's four in the morning."

"Four in the morning?! Did you even care about where I was at?" Yikes!

"I'm not your keeper, Bro. Just because you are blind and almost deaf doesn't mean that I have to babysit you. Anyways, I didn't want to interrupt you earlier. You were dancing all over this chick with long black hair in a sexy sequin dress."

"What the heck?" I scratched my head, "I don't remember dancing at all, let alone with some strange woman."

"You looked like you were having the time of your life. I didn't know that they threw you out until a little while ago."

If I had the time of my life, then I certainly didn't remember it.

"I don't know why I drank so much. I never drink."

"Dude, between your health and your breakup, I think it's understandable why you drank so much."

"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked him, "You didn't have to take me out tonight."

"Well, I have been kind of an asshole to you. Actually, I've kind of been an asshole to everyone."

I smirked, "Yeah... you're kind of a douchebag. But... thanks for getting me out of the house... even though I made some bad decisions tonight."

"Hey, no sweat! The club is the right place to make those bad decisions. Just be thankful that your ex-girlfriend wasn't there to see you make them. Let's take you home."

Ex-girlfriend. I wasn't ready to refer to Keri as my 'ex-girlfriend.' She was never bad to me. She never did me wrong. I held absolutely no grudges against her. 'Ex-girlfriend' just didn't fit her.

I groaned as I got up off of the wet ground. My back and the backside of my legs were soaked from the moisture of the grass. I got my balance, but I felt faint. It was one of those moments where I was thankful that I couldn't see, because the world would have been spinning around me.

I reached into the pocket inside of my leather jacket, where I always kept my personal belongings to grab my cane.

"Niles..." I panicked, "Where's my cane... and my wallet? Oh, fuck!"

Of course this would happen. Everything bad had to happen to me. Some hooker probably stole my wallet. As drunk as I was, who knows where left my mobility cane? This was turning into a night full of disaster.

"Relax, Man! You left them at the bar." He handed me my wallet and cane, "Here."

"Thank God! I almost had a nervous breakdown," I said, grabbing my things from him.

"Oh, the nervous breakdown is coming when Mom flips out when she sees you coming in at four in the morning looking like hammered shit."

"Can I crash by your place tonight so she doesn't have to see me like this?" I asked as we got into his car.

"You're actually at my place right now."

I gasped, "You are living in your car?! You can't live in your car! Why don't you come live with your mom and Marvin? They took me back in."

"Of course they did, Trevor. You're blind! They aren't gonna let you live on the streets. Me, I'm nobody special to them. I'm a loser. They probably don't care if I live or die."

"Are you out of your mind?! They care about you and Amanda just as much, if not more, than us foster kids. You need to get over your jealousy problems, Niles. Come back to the house. We'll walk in together and both get in trouble. Kay won't let you drive anyways knowing that you've been at the club. Then we'll explain everything in the morning. You know that you can't be living like this."

He sighed, "Alright, I'll go back with you. And Trevor... I know this is random, but I'm sorry that I fucked up your birthday. I was an idiot."

"It's alright, Man. No hard feelings."

We became brothers that night in the car.

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