~Chapter 12~

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I gazed at my watch as I counted the hours until closing time. Trevor was busy finishing up fixing the pick-ups on an old Fender Stratocaster in the back and Franky was winding up all of the guitar cables that customers used to test out our electric guitars.

"Can it be nine o'clock yet?" I moaned to my brother.

Franky looked at the wall clock. "Five more minutes, Sis."

Trevor came out of the back room, "I'm all finished with the guitars."

"Thanks, Man. You really came through for me today. I'll give the customers a call in the morning so they can pick up their gear. You can go home now if you like," my brother told him, "Do you need a ride?"

"He doesn't need a ride. My boyfriend and I are going out tonight," I proudly proclaimed as I turned off the lights in the display case up front.

"Oh... okay then!" Franky said as he put on his jacket.

"Actually, I have made special ride accommodations for us this evening," he boasted. "I can hear the engine in her car pulling up now."

I gazed out the window and saw Lavender in her red convertible.

"It's ours for the evening!" He smiled.

I was stunned. "You're kidding me?!"

"Nope. Have you ever cruised down Lakeshore Drive in a Ford Mustang before?" He asked me.

"I've never driven anything besides my beat-up town car. Trevor, this is amazing!"

I looked at Franky. "Go ahead. I'll lock up."

I was so excited. Date night was already getting off to a great start.

I walked outside and Lavender handed me the keys to her car. I gave her a hug and thanked her in sign language. I helped him into the smooth leather passenger seat and we were off to North Avenue Beach.

"I had Lav make us a special playlist for tonight. Turn up the volume."

"Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure bursted out of the speakers. What a perfect song for such a perfect night.

As I got onto Lake Shore Drive, we were surrounded by tall skyscrapers that lit up the night sky. I could see the Ferris Wheel on Navy Pier spinning around in circles, reflecting on the glimmering water. We had the top rolled down and the wind blew through our hair.

"Our city really is beautiful. I wish you could see how marvelous it really is."

"I have a mental image of what it used to look like from before I went blind. I've always held onto that image. But now... I visualize it differently. Because now, I picture you in it. I can see you, from the way that you described yourself to me, in this very expensive red convertible cruising down LSD with the city skyline on one side and the Lake on the other. I think my view is even more marvelous than what you can see."

"You are making me blush!" I felt my cheeks get warm.

"I'm being serious! You are marvelous! And I'm thoroughly enjoying being with you tonight."

"So am I," I smiled as I pulled into a parking lot, "And we are here!"

The moon glistened on the water as we approached the beach. He held onto me as we walked down the concrete steps.

"Holy shit!" He freaked out as we both sank into the dusty sand beneath our feet.

"It's okay. It's just sand. Take off your shoes."

He removed his shoes and socks, "It's still warm."

I grabbed a handful of sand. "Open your hands."

I dumped it in his and it shifted through his fingers, leaving a single small seashell in his hands. "What's this?" He asked me.

"It's a seashell. It must have washed up onto shore."

"Lucy is going to love it! I'm going to give it to her tonight." He put it in his pocket as we inched closer to the water.

"Let's go somewhere a little more less out-in-the-open," I said, leading him down the beach to a less noticeable area further away from where we parked the Mustang. I took him down by a boat dock that wasn't being used. We sat on the edge of the pier, with our feet dangling above the water.

"Describe what you see to me," He asked me.

"There is a bright full moon out tonight. You can see its reflection on the Lake. Lake Michigan is very vast. It blends in with the sky. You can't see where it starts ends. The water looks black in the dark, but with the light from the moon shining down, it makes it look like there is glitter sparkling on top. You can also see the reflections of the city skyscrapers in the water. It's beautiful."

"Wow!" He mouthed.

"Thank you for taking me here," he thanked me, "I have an idea. Since it's just us here, how about you and I go for a swim."

"I don't know if that is a good idea. I didn't bring a change of clothes."

"We don't have to worry about that if we just... take them off."

I got quiet because I didn't know what to say. He pulled me in close to him and put his hand on my cheek. "There's no need to be nervous, Keri. We won't get caught."

I took off my rusty red tank top and denim shorts and tossed it onto the pier. He removed his shirt and took off his jeans. I feasted my eyes on his gorgeous naked body. I couldn't help but notice that his bruise on his side had turned a murky yellow. I ran my hand down his side as he embraced me, pulling my body close to his.

"How about we jump in!" He said with excitement, brushing my pink hair out of my eyes.

"You have no fear, do you?" I asked as we inched to the edge of the pier.

"Just hold onto my hand. We will jump in together. On the count of three- One, two, three..."

We jumped off and landed into the deep water. Coming up from underneath, we laughed and giggled at how fun that just was. He pulled me into his arms under the water and kissed my lips passionately.

Friday I'm in Love.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone!! Just a friendly reminder to make sure to vote after every chapter!! Thank you for reading!

Much love,

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