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(Roman's POV)

I yawned and snuggled under the covers some more. I heard Virgil giggle quietly, an I opened one eye to look at my husband. "Yes, Kitten?" I asked. He glared at me. "After all these years, you still call me kitten," Virgil said. I nodded. "Today's Violetta's fourteenth birthday," He whispered. "I can't believe it," I started, "You still look like you're twenty-five." He chuckled and said sarcastically, "Yeah, sure." I hugged him tighter and whispered, "I'm serious." He shivered slightly, and I kissed his cheek. "We need to get up and make her breakfast," Virgil murmured after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I nodded and started to get up.

I looked around at the room, a couple years back, the Mind created Virgil and I a room, half of it was emo, and the half was royal. Thomas was about thirty-five now, but still couldn't grow an actual beard. He didn't look too different, or act much more mature, but he had aged seven years, so everyone in the mindscape had 'aged' a bit. Some more than others. Missy and Pranks were twenty-ish, lots of the others were just entering their teens, and Main Traits, and Deceit, were thirty-five. I changed clothes, and started fixing the bed as Virgil was changing.

When Virgil finished changing, we started towards the kitchen. "Let's make her favorite food," Virgil said quietly as he started to get the ingredients. "Cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing," I stated, looking out the corridor to see if anyone was there. We started to bake them, making sure they were super fluffy. We never seemed to be able to bake without getting messy, it's not that we were sloppy, it's just that we liked to goof off. We heard footsteps coming, and snapped our fingers to clean ourselves up.

Violetta appeared in the doorway, you would never know she was fourteen by the way she looks. She's so mature she might as well be twenty-one. "Dads!" She exclaimed, looking up from her phone. "Hiya!" Virgil and I said in unison, she always chuckles when we do that. "We made your favorite breakfast," I told her, motioning towards the cinnamon rolls. She gasped and bounded towards them. "They're hot!" Virgil warned worriedly. "Don't worry, Dad, I'll be careful," She told him, grabbing one up and stuffing it in her mouth. "Telling the embodiment of anxiety not to worry always helps," He joked. "Lying's Deceit's job," Missy chirped, waking in with Pranks and grabbing a cinnamon roll. The now-young-adult hissed in pain, and dropped the sugary treat. Pranks caught it and quickly put it on the plate again. "Bloody he-" Missy started, he stoppped as he saw Patton in the doorway.

"Hey, Dad," Missy said hesitantly. Patton said, "Hey," and got a cinnamon roll. We all started chatting, waving 'hi' to Deceit when he awoke. "When am I gonna get to go to Mind School?" Violetta asked. "Soon, soon," I told her. We continued talking about Mind School until everyone started filing out of the kitchen. Virgil and I started to clean the kitchen, like we do everyday, until Violetta stopped us. "I'll do it," She told us. "Violetta you don't have to-" Virgil started. Violetta shook her head and insisted on it. "I'll do the work today, I kinda wanna spend my birthday alone," She said hesitantly. "I'm n-not sad or anything!" She added quickly, "I j-just wanna -" Virgil cut her off. "We understand," He said, "But don't be afraid to tell us if you ever are."

We hugged her and walked off, deciding to at least leave her gifts by her door for her.

(Violetta's POV)

I started wiping the kitchen counters, lost in my thoughts.

I hope you didn't make Dad and Father angry.

I didn't.

How do you know?

Dad said they understood.

How do you know he wasn't just lying?

Dad would understand, even now he likes to be left alone with his thoughts sometimes.

No, he likes to hang out with you and Father in silence sometimes, not be completely alone.

I remembered what Dad told me.

I'm not listening to you.

Aww. C'mon Violetta, you kn-

La la la la la.... I'm not listening.



I snapped out of my thoughts and started sweeping the floor. I smiled as a song came to mind.

Italics= Violetta

Just whistle while you work
I whistled.
And cheerfully together we can tidy up the place
So just hum a merry tune
It won't take long when there's a song to help you set the pace

And as you sweep the room
Imagine that the broom
Is someone that you love
And soon you'll find you're dancing to the tune

I started dancing around as I swept the floor, moving the chairs aside and sweeping under the table.

When hearts are high
The time will fly,
So whistle while you work

I put the broom up and started to just tidy up.

So whistle while you work

When I started whistling , I was startled to hear someone else humming along. I whipped around to see a girl, she was about my age. Her dark brown hair had light brown highlights, she had milk chocolate-y eyes, was wearing some black tights, a cyan blue shirt, she had a cardigan around her shoulders, and was wearing black converses. She snapped out of her daze, and suddenly went rigid. I took a step forward and she started to run. I grabbed her hand, gently, yet firmly, and spun her around. "Hey, hey, it's ok, I won't hurt you," I cooed. I looked at her and saw her eyes filled with fear.

"It's ok," I repeated, hugging her to my chest. She wrapped her arms loosely around my shoulders, and I hugged her tighter. "What's your name?" I asked after a few moments of silence. "Logicality," She answered. "Wait, so Logan and Patton's daughter?" I inquired. She nodded, and I swear I was dying of cuteness. Wait, what? "Do you wanna sit down somewhere?" I asked. "Want to," She corrected, "And yes." I walked her to the couch and sat down. "So...." I started. "Um..." Logicality said. "Well, I just can't stop thinking," I continued. She chuckled and her smile was just oh my god. But not in a bad way, like, just, wow.

"What kind of stuff do you like?" I asked her. "Well...."She started.

Time Skip

We talked for a bit, cleaning the house as we talked. I found out a lot of things about her, we were almost exactly alike, but entirely different. I joked about something, and she laughed. Her laugh. Saying it was beautiful would be an understatement, it was like, how freshly baked cake smelled, and how cinnamon rolls with creams cheese icing tasted, and how an angel looked. She was basically an angel herself.

"Do you wanna- want to- watch something, in my room?" I asked nervously, scratching the back of my neck. "I- I mean, like, we could watch it wherever! Just, do you want to watch something with me?" I added quickly. She chuckled, and replied, "Sure." That was awkward. I know. There's no way she could ever like you back. I know, but a princess can dream, can't she?


A/N: What's this? What's this? There's new ships everywhere! What's this? What's this? There's romance in the air! I don't know, but how'd you like take chapter? I think it was cute..... that's an understatement. I'm internally screaming. Anyhow, hope you guys liked it!

Bye my lil' Bear cubbies

Violetta: A Prinxiety Fluff Story Where stories live. Discover now