Movie Night

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(Virgil's POV)

When I walked in the living room, I saw Pokemon the Movie waiting to be played. I shook my head as I tossed my bundle of blankets over Roman and Violetta. I sniggered when Violetta jumped and Roman yelled from under the blankets, "What monster has trapped us?!" I pulled the blankets off of them and said, "Me." Violetta smiled as she patted the spot on the other side of her. "You're no monster," Roman said. I shrugged. "You don't know that," I muttered. Violetta looked between us and asked quietly, "You're a monster?" I smiled as I pulled some blankets up and said, "Nah."

We heard giggling coming from the hallway and then loud laughter. The next second, Missy and Pranks walked in, each with huge smiles on their faces. "What did you do?" I asked them. "Nothi-" Missy started. His eyes widened as he saw Violetta. "Hi!" Chirped Violetta. Missy and Pranks just stood, frozen on the spot. I sighed. "You're being bad role models for my and Princey's daughter," I said. Missy jumped. "Daughter?" He asked. "Your's and Princey's?" Pranks added. I nodded as Violetta jumped up and hugged them. "Since when?!" Missy exclaimed, shoving Violetta away gently. She pouted as she hugged Pranks.

"Since this letter came," Logan said, waking in and tossing the letter to Missy. Missy caught it quickly and him and Pranks read it. "This is weird," Pranks said after reading it. "Really weird," Missy agreed. "My brother has a daughter," Missy continued, motioning to me. "And my brother, too," Pranks said, motioning to Prince. We just sat in awkward silence until Patton bounded in wearing his onesie. He fell against Logan as he panted. "I ju-st ha-ad the m-most ama-zing ide-idea," He said. I looked at him suspiciously. It better not be what I think it is.

"GROUP ONESIES!" He shouted, snapping his fingers. Logan was changed into his unicorn onesie, Roman into a dragon one, Pranks and Missy changed into ones that had something they said on vine on them, me into my black cat onesie, and Violetta into a fairy one. She squealed as she looked down at her onesie. We heard Deceit yell from the other room. "Do any of you have an idea why I'm in a onesie?" He asked, stomping into the room. He had one that had Gravity Falls designs on it, specifically Bill. "I may have changed you into one," Patton said embarrassedly. "That doesn't make since," He muttered as he sat in an armchair on the other side of the room.

"You're staying?" Logan asked. "I'm not already here, so it wouldn't make since if I stayed," He snapped. He froze as he saw Violetta. "Not a child," He muttered. "Nope!" Violetta said, popping the 'p'. "I'm a fairy!" She yelled, throwing her fists into the air. "Thomas's feminism," Roman explained, "My and Virgil's daughter." Deceit still looked confused, but just looked at the T.V.. Patton grabbed a cookie and sat down beside me. "These cookies are good!" He said, looking down at his cookie. "Let's start shall we?" Logan asked, sitting beside Patton as Missy and Pranks laid in front of the T.V.. Everyone nodded, except for Deceit, he shook his head.

*After the movie 'cause I'm lazy*

I looked down to see both Roman and Violetta had fell asleep. Violetta was snuggled up between me and Roman, and Roman was holding my hand. I chuckled as I laid my head against Violetta's and closed my eyes. Tomorrow is when I'd find out how to do this whole 'parenting' thing, for now, I'll just enjoy the company.

A/N: Sorry it was shorter than usual, hopefully another chapter might come out today. Possibly even two! Yay! Anyways, remember you're important, and if you're sad, you can always talk to me!

Peace out my bear cubs!

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