


She looked at the door again and waited for it to open. Later on she arrived at the 5th floor rushing herself to arrive in a door. Jungkook looked at her as soon as she opened the door then smirked, "Wow... What a visitor.."

Tzuyu did not say anything but to grabbed his necktie and choke him, "How dare you con me while Im drunk?!"

"Y-yah-" he choked and pushed her away, "You crazy litt- Con you what?!!"

"Just because I was drunk doesn't mean you could take my money.." Throwing him whatever she sees to her side.

"Who the hell let this woman enter to my office get her out now.." pressing on his telephone.

Tzuyu looked at him with a glare, "Give me my money back.."

His jaw dropped, "YAH! YOU DID ALL THAT JUST TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK?!! YOU COULD'VE ASKED FOR IT NICELY!! Because of that I'm not returning it.. You made a mess in my room!"

Tzuyu looked around then glare at him again, "Im reporting you to the police.."

"Yah.. You think they will believe you this time? You messed in my office, break my vase, entered to the house trespass?"

She nod her head, "Okay so where do you wanna take this hah?" grabbing his hair. Jungkook grasped her hair too pulling each other's hair, "Yah.. If you don't let go of my hair I will fuckin shave this hair of yours.." he threatened her.

"Not until you give my money back you con person!"

"Why are over reacting to it?! I could give that money back if you asked nicely!" Still holding each others hair. Two employee came in worriedly then stop look at the two with a messy hair.

"Get this girl out of my office!"

"Yes sir!"

Tzuyu glared at him, "My money!"

He took a deep breath trying to calm down himself while looking at the ceiling then groaned, "She's psychopath.."

"Are you okay sir? Your hair is messy.."

"Who said you could let that girl in?!"

"We asked the guard he said she has a job to do.."

Jungkook smirked, "Never let that girl step into my building tell that to everyone!.."

The girl bowed to him then left the office. He then grabbed the comb and start fixing his hair looking at the mirror, "Crazy ass girl... Wahh.."

Tzuyu looked at the dirt on her pants then slapped it to remove, "You think I let that 7k go? Its a USD bitch.. How dare you con me like that while Im drunk.." walking back to her car and fix her hair. Her phone ruddenly rang from unknown person, "Who's this?!"

"This is the police.."

"Police my ass.. Let me call 119.."

"This is 119.."

"Yah if this is 119 the number should be appearing.."

"A person reported you as a trespass to the company and accused him for con.."

Tzuyu creased her forehead and look at the phone then end it, "I got no time to argue with yall.. Im freaking stressed right now.." messing her hair even more then leave the place. She went back to the house and lie down to her bed trying to calm down herself, "He needs to leave this place... Before I freaking cause a murder..."


Jungkook opened the door. He jumped and his eyes widened seeing Tzuyu smiling at him with a cross arm, "My money?"

He cleared his throat and take out his wallet while giving him a bad look. "10k so you could stop running your mouth and leave me alone!"

She made a tsking sound and turn around counting the money, "Next time don't con me like that that's why.." walking upstairs.

He smirked and looked at her enter to her room then rolled his eyes, "Yah.."

She opened her door and look at him, "What?" creasing her forehead. He gave her a sign to come down and she followed it, "What is it?!"

"This is your last rule... Act nicely to me.." pointing his finger to her. She gave him a confused look then smirked, "You think I would do that?"

He showed his hand, "Then give me the money back.."

"Hell no!"

"I'll give you how much money you want.. Leave the house.." He offered. She kicked him, "You crazy bitch.."

He touched his leg where she kicked then glared at her, "Yah!"


"Let's get to know each other then.." Offering his hand. She looked at him badly, "Don't need to.. From what you're doing I already know.."

His forehead creased, "What?"

"Pshh... I don't have time to argue with your stuff!" She walked back upstairs crossing her arm then shut her door.

Oh my stranger! ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now