The Nightmares Continue

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Knowing that she was save now, Ann slowly fell asleep with Viggo keeping an eye on her. He did what he promised and stayed with her in the tent. He wringed out her clothes and laid them over some chairs to dry. He sat down behind his desk, continuing on his work. Poor girl, I need to get to know if she can stay here... I actually want her to stay... What is this feeling I have inside? Is it... love? No, it cannot be. I cannot have love around here during work! But I feel attracted to her... Put it out of your head, Viggo! You are the chief, you can't fall in love!

For a couple of hours, everything was fine. Viggo could finish some work in the couple of hours and Ann could catch some sleep. Soon, things changed. Ann's dreams started to get worse, close to a nightmare. Viggo noticed that Ann had become restless in her sleep. She made groaning noises and moved wildly in the bed, shaking her head from left to right. Viggo knew this wasn't good. He walked to the bed, but before he got there, Ann was startled awake with a loud scream. "AAAAAH!!!!" 

Viggo sat down next to her, putting the blanket back over Ann's shoulders and tried to calm her down. "Shhhhh, it's okay. I'm here with you." He spoke with a soft and calm voice, looking at her with caring eyes. Ann had sweat on her forehead and was breathing deep and very fast. "What happened? What were you dreaming about?" Viggo asked. Ann laid down again, but didn't say a word. Instead of that, she started to cry again and turned away from Viggo. 

Viggo sighed and put his hand on her shoulder. "I know it's hard for you to talk about what happened to you, but if you don't tell me I can't help you, leave alone letting you stay. I don't want to push you, but it is quite important. Think about it." Viggo stood up and walked back to his desk, leaving Ann thinking. I really want to tell him, I want to stay with him. He is the only one with who I feel safe. I just can't talk about the attack. He won't understand anyway, the losses I have suffered...

"Viggo?" She softly said, turning her head towards him. "Yes?" Viggo answered. "I really want to tell you what happened, but I just can't. It's too fresh..." Ann said with a hesitation in her voice. "I understand. I was pushing you and I'm sorry for that. Just take your time and come to me if you feel you're ready to tell me, okay?" Viggo said to Ann. "Okay..." Ann replied softly and turned her head back. Viggo walked to Ann's clothes. "I think your clothes are as good as dry. You want to have them again?" He asked. "Yes, please." Viggo got Ann her clothes and gave them to her. He left the tent again so Ann could get dressed. 

When she got dressed, she felt her clothes were still a bit moist but she didn't mind. She took on her boots and walked outside, surprising Viggo a bit. "You look better. I think that bit of sleep did you well." He said. "Yes, I do feel better, thanks to you. If you didn't help me then..." Ann said, but Viggo interrupted her. "You don't have to thank me. Seeing you feeling better is already enough for me." He said. Ann got a bit red on her cheeks, laughed softly and turned away from Viggo so he wouldn't see her reaction. "Are you okay now, Ann?" Viggo asked. "Yes, I've never been better." 

Viggo felt that this answer gave him a little hope that she would like him as he liked her. Would she like me? What do I have to do to win her love? I simply can't get this feeling out of my head. Or... not even my heart... He thought as he looked at her. I don't know why, but she makes me smile, only by looking at her. I truly am in love, but how am I going to tell her? I want her to be mine... but I never had a girlfriend before! Ryker always stole them from me when he noticed I liked a girl, but this time, this girl will be mine!

The day went by fast as Ann and Viggo stayed together for the day. This way Viggo could protect her, and get to know her a little bit better. They had dinner together, where Viggo showed his cooking skills. The smell alone attracted many more people including Ryker, but they were all sent away. They both enjoyed their meal after which they made a walk over the island. 

(1/5) A Muzonian Dragon HunterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon