Love and Protection

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After a short moment of intimate kissing, Viggo and Ann broke the kiss and looked each other deep in the eyes. Ann even got a tear flowing down her cheek. Viggo smiled and wiped the tear away. "Don't cry now." He whispered and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, holding his forehead against hers again.

"You make me such a happy man, sweetie. I never thought I would deserve such love, but here you are. I love you with all my heart and I will never let you go. I promise you that I will remain by your side if you stand by me." He looked her in the eyes with as much love as he could. "I promise." She whispered back at him and aimed herself back for his soft lips once more.

As the kiss was broken, Ann and Viggo hugged like they never hugged before. Closing their eyes, they felt immensely close to the other and tightened their grip as they had never done before. Ann opened her eyes as they loosened their grip and she gasped. All the men had collected all around them!

Viggo looked around too with Ann still in his arms and felt threatened. He drew his sword and was ready to defend her again if he had to. With an angry look on his face, he studied every man around him for any signs they could attack them, but...

"Woah, Viggo! Take it easy!" Havòk stepped forward signing with his hands Viggo had to calm down. "I know you won't hurt her, Havòk, but I don't trust anyone else around here! Too much has happened since we were forced to confess the relationship I have with her. Stay back!" Viggo pointed his sword to Havòk. "Viggo, stop! Maybe Havòk only wants to talk..." Ann held her hand on Viggo's cheek, turning his head to hers and have him make eye contact with her.

He nodded and sheathed his sword, but held onto her waist as she still held him around the shoulders. "Viggo, listen! We don't want to fight or harm Ann in that matter. I have been talking to everyone around here over the last few days and explained everything to them. They all understand now why you kept it secret for as long as you did." Havòk said in a way he knew he could calm Viggo enough to talk in a jovial situation.

"Look, the crew has asked me to be their spokesman for this. They're all sorry for the pain that has been put on you both. They only felt left out and betrayed their chief did not tell them about it. They are happy for the both of you, just... Tell them sooner about something this big." Havòk smiled at the couple, who were a little confused. "You guys really thought this was big news?" Ann was a little perplexed. "Well, at least everyone now knows you're taken, Ann." Havòk rubbed the back of his head.

Ann started laughing about it and many followed. "Even if they tried, I am really specific in what I want in a partner and Viggo happened to show me a lot of those requirements. No one can take me away from him. My heart belongs to him forever." She looked Viggo in the eyes and they smiled at each other. "But we will make a certain promise..." Viggo started.

The crew had their ears peaked at what he wanted to say. "Whenever something between us happens, in a good way of course, we will tell the crew sooner." Viggo added to what he wanted to say to begin with. "Yes! I feel that a lot of great things will happen in our lives together and as soon as they happen, we will let you all know." Ann added to him. They looked at each other, smiled and kissed as the crew went wild cheering for them.

As soon as Viggo and Ann let go again, Ann heard someone complaint in the back of the rows of men. Her eyes widened in fear and Viggo noticed this in her. "Hey, what is wrong, sweetie?" "I heard the man speak up from among the men... The man that held me hostage!" She looked at him again. "From where?" Viggo asked her. She pointed to the direction the man's voice was heard from. 

Ryker took a look and quickly found the man he also remembered and recognized as her hostage taker. "There you are!" Ryker grabbed the man and dragged him out, having him face Viggo's wrath. "Viggo. Please! No." He stuttered. "Act like a man!" Viggo spoke as he walked up to the man. 

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