A Surprise for Viggo

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Six weeks later, after a long rehabilitation, Ann and Ryker were walking around the campsite. Ann noticed Viggo was running around and didn't pay attention to her for the last few days. Ryker sighed and spoke. "It's that time of the year again." "What do you mean?" Ann asked confused.

"There is one day in the whole year he hates most and tries to avoid it... His birthday." Ryker answered. "He hates his birthday? Why?" "It has something to do with our youth. He doesn't like to talk about it, but maybe you can get it out of him. Just be careful when you ask." Ryker said. "Okay, I'll try, but there's something I have to tell him as well. I'll go to him." She said and walked off.

"Viggo, sweetie?" She got to him in his tent, but he was running around like a headless chicken. "I'm sorry, my love. I'm really busy. I don't have time now." He turned her off. "What?! You never do this to me!" She said to him as he walked passed her. "Business is busier than ever before. I have so much work that has to be done. Again, I'm sorry." He left the tent.

As Ann was left in the tent alone, she cried as she was left behind broken. Ryker stepped through the tent and saw her straight away. "He didn't listen to you... Did he?" He was disappointed his little brother did this to her. Ann just looked at Ryker with her red and watery eyes. She shook her head and hid it in the inside of her elbow. Ryker held her close to comfort her. She needed it badly as she wrapped her arms around him.

At the end of the day, when Viggo and Ann were having dinner in his tent, Viggo asked her what she wanted to ask him. "Ann?" He tried to get her attention as she was sunk in deep thoughts. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine." "Okay...?" He wasn't sure about her answer, but he preferred not to ask more about it. "What was it you wanted to ask me this afternoon?" He asked her. Thinking about it for a moment, she asked him something else than she actually had in mind. "When does trader Johann come again?" "I believe he will arrive tomorrow. Why?" Viggo asked her.

"There's something I need, so I thought I could ask him." "Perhaps. Johann always has a good stock of things. What are you looking for exactly?" He tried to get out of her. "It's something personal." She said, keeping it secret. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired." She said to him as she stretched out. "That's okay, I'll come soon." He said and they gave each other a kiss. When they were in bed, they fell asleep very fast as they were both exhausted.

The next day, Ann went to see trader Johann, but talked with Ryker first. "Hey Ryker, when exactly is Viggo's birthday?" She asked him. "In two days. You already talked about it with him?" "No, I haven't, but I want to surprise him with a small gift." They spoke. "Do what you want, but I don't think Viggo is going to be happy about it. You can always try." He encouraged her, he hoped that now Viggo has a girlfriend, some things would change.

Ann went to the docks where she found Johann. "Good afternoon, Johann. I have a request for you." She started, hoping he wouldn't start another long story. "Ah, miss Ann, always a pleasure to see you. How can I help you today?" He said. "Look, I don't have much time, but I need your assistance in finding a gift for Viggo. It's his birthday soon and I hoped you had something what he might like." "I always have special gifts for special occasions as well as for special people! I have lots of gifts down below, shall we take a look?" He proposed and they went below deck.

She quickly saw something very familiar. "Johann, where did you get this?" She said as she grabbed a wooden carved tiger. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you where I got it from. You want to buy that for Viggo?" "No, but this... this belonged to my father. This is his tiger." She spoke as tears slowly flowed into her eyes, but she tried to hide them for him. Johann stepped closer and folded her hand with the tiger within. "If it belongs to your family, then I suppose you should keep it." "Thank you, Johann." She softly spoke with a smile.

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