Forcing the Chief's Hand

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There is a song added in this chapter with its lyrics. This is a certain scene I have in mind for that song. I hope you can create the same I have in mind :) I have noticed that if you're on your phone, the mechanics are working differently than if you're on the computer.

They got back home after a few short hours sailing back to the island. Viggo and Ann got back to his tent as soon as they stepped foot on land. "I'm really looking forward to get crafting with this leather!" Ann was a little hyped she got this leather from Viggo. He chuckled as he got closer to her. "How are you planning on making that shoulder pad for Soren?" He looked at her with loving eyes.

"I think it is best if I attach the pad to the leather belts of my swords on my back. I need to measure it all out to make it fitting." She pointed out how big she wanted it to be and how she wanted it to look like. Viggo helped her measuring and Ann made the sketches on the leather. "Thanks, sweetie." "No problem at all." He smiled at her and they wanted to close the distance between them, when a Hunter came in.

"Sir..." He stopped as he noticed them standing awfully close to each other. "Eeh..." He stuttered as the lovers took a step back. "What is it?" Viggo asked rather annoyed. "Am I disturbing, sir?" The Hunter got nervous. "No, you're not. What is it you need to inform me about?" Viggo sighed out. "What do we have to do with those children? They are getting in our way to get to work." The Hunter asked.

Ann sighed out heavily, but wasn't surprised it would happen someday. "What are they doing?" She asked with obvious disappointment. "They are running around the place and causing havoc in doing so." Ann sighed out again and walked towards the entrance of the tent. "I'll have a word with them." The Hunter was confused about it. "Aren't you supposed to talk to them about this?" He asked Viggo. "These children and teenagers are from her island. She is responsible for them and so, she will have to talk to them about these things." He explained.

Coming to the working place the Hunter mentioned, the teenagers were indeed causing havoc around the place. "Guys! Stop it!" She yelled out. The teenagers looked at her, but didn't stop playing around. "We want to play. You never let us!" They refused to stop. "Guys, the men have to be able to work here. Please, stop it or go somewhere else to play." She sighed out. "But we were told we could play here!" One of the kids yelled out.

"Wait, what? There was a Hunter complaining about you guys playing here just now. He asked if we could have you guys stop playing around here." Ann got suspicious about the situation. Luckily, she saw Ryker walking by. She whistled to him and walked over to him. "You guys stop playing here and go somewhere else." She said as she made her way over to her brother.

"Hey, Ann! What's up?" Ryker greeted her cheerful. "I need to get back to Viggo, but I need you to stay close to me for now. I don't trust anything around here now." She told him in a low voice. "What is wrong, then?" He asked and frowned. "I'll explain when we get to Viggo. I want to get out of here now." She urged him to keep moving.

They got back to Viggo's tent safely and entered. There was no one in the tent except Viggo and Ann immediately got around his neck. "Hey! What is wrong, sweetie?" He was surprised about her reaction. "I have a suspicion the men know about us!" She was obviously unsettled with the whole situation. "What makes you think that?" Viggo asked carefully.

"That Hunter asked us about my fellow Muzonians getting in the way of the men working, right?" Ann looked at Viggo. "Mhm." He gently answered her with a hum and a nod. "When I came there, one of the kids actually said to me that they were allowed to play there. I think the men are setting up some sort of trap for me." Ann got worried by the thought of it. "What makes you think that?" Ryker was stunned to hear it. "First, the Hunter in particular comes to us saying they want the kids away from there, then the kids tell me they were told to play there? It just doesn't make sense!" Ann pointed it out to the brothers.

(1/5) A Muzonian Dragon HunterWhere stories live. Discover now