A Sign Of Hope

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As Ann was asleep, Ryker returned to the ship and went to Viggo. "So, what have you done with the bodies?" Viggo asked him. "We've buried them in the most honorable way possible. We didn't have the time and equipment to perform a normal funeral. Is she alright?" Ryker said. "I hope you know what you have done. I don't think she will be happy to hear that, but she is asleep now. I don't think it will take long before she will wake up again. She is completely devastated. I'm quite worried about her. I hope she will be fine..." Viggo says with a worried face. 

"Yeah, me too. I can see it's also hard for you. You two seem to be very close." Ryker said trying to get some answers out of his little brother. "We are, but we are just friends." Viggo said trying to deny the truth. "Just friends, huh? I doesn't look like that to me. You two are closer than that!" Ryker yelled a bit. Ann woke up because of that. "What's going on?" She said very sleepy. "Nothing, just go back to sleep." Viggo said with a little smile. "I can't... bad dreams again." She said looking away from the brothers. "What are you up to, Viggo?" Ryker said. He knew there was something was between them. 

Viggo couldn't keep it secret anymore as he looked at Ann, she gave him a little nod; telling him to tell Ryker about them. "Alright, fine! You got us! She is my girlfriend." Viggo said to his brother, sat down next to Ann and gave her a kiss on the lips. Ryker was shocked, confused, but also furious. How could his brother have a girlfriend while he's the chief? How could he have kept this secret for him? And why would he have a girlfriend who is probably more than ten years younger than him? How could you?! This is not what we need around here! Ryker thought as he walked to the bed, pushed Viggo away and grabbed Ann by the throat. 

"STOP! You're strangling her!!" Viggo screamed. He loved her so much, he didn't want to lose her. "RYKER, STOP IT!" He screamed again, but Ryker didn't hear him. He really squeezed her throat hard and Ann was struggling to breathe, she almost fainted. Viggo didn't see another option to save her than hit his brother in the face. 

So Viggo did, Ryker let go of Ann and she fell back on the bed, coughing and trying to breathe. Viggo immediately focused himself over her, putting an arm over her and trying to give her a chance to take some inhales. Ryker was confused that his own brother hit him, but realized he was protecting her. "How could you?! You could've killed her!" Viggo shouted at him. 

Ryker saw rage in his brother's eyes, but also love and care for her. "How can you have a girlfriend? We can't have this around here!" "You don't see what I see in her! It's far more than you think. She has a great potential to be a great warrior! Just.. Go now! I don't need you here!" Viggo was still very angry at him and Ryker knew he had done something wrong. 

He left the commanders quarters and thought about all what happened. He regretted he wanted to take away something he had never seen with his brother, something that made him feel so happy: love! His brother was really in love with this young, yet very strong minded girl. You fool! What have you done? It became black in front of your eyes, you didn't have any control over yourself! You tried to kill his first ever girlfriend. I have never seen him like that... He really loves her. Maybe, when time comes you have to apologize! Will they ever forgive me if I showed them I really am sorry? Probably not, but it's worth the shot.

Meanwhile, back in the commanders quarters, Viggo called for medical help from Havòk. He stretched her neck, giving more space to breathe. While she breathed, she had a strange sound which got Viggo worrying even more. "What's that noise in her breathing?" He asked Havòk. "That's her trachea or windpipe. Her air supply has been cut off. But what happened here?" Havòk asked. Viggo sighed, but answered. 

"Ann is my girlfriend, you must keep this to yourself. We told Ryker about it and he got furious, he tried to kill her!" "How long are you together now?" "A little over two weeks now. I've never felt so happy, but of course he must interfere with it." Viggo said angry. "I'm sure your brother knows what he did, and he might regret it." Havòk tried to calm Viggo down. "Ryker and regretting things? That's a new one!" Viggo said laughing. 

(1/5) A Muzonian Dragon HunterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin