Chapter Twenty-four - Telling The World

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My trembling fingers fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt as I waited patiently in my wheelchair located in the police station. My body was shaking with fear yet I still managed to keep myself together. I don’t know how but I knew it had something to do with my head rested on Jake’s shoulder and his arms being wrapped around my small, fragile waist in a slightly awkward position but neither of us cared, we knew the chair would get in the way but he would have to live with it until I was able to walk all the time again.  

I still couldn’t help but worry; Luke told me not to tell anyone. He told me he’d hurt me if I did. I was petrified of what he would do to me; I couldn’t take anything else from him, he’s already destroyed me two times too many already. I didn’t know if I would be able to bring myself to tell them what happened. The memories would have to be replayed over and over in my head in great detail. I didn’t know if I would be able to take the emotional and mental damage it could do to me. What if they didn’t believe me? What if they thought I was lying? I didn’t know whether I’d be able to testify against him in person, seeing his face would completely make me crumble in a second. I doubt I’d be here today if it wasn’t for the amazing guy beside me who was finally -after years of waiting and thousands of heart breaks- all mine, officially.  

I guess I always knew deep down that I loved him in more than a best friend way and it turned out that he had the same feelings too, he’d been there all along but I was just to blind to see what was right in front of me.  

I was so sure If I saw Luke being taken away and sent behind bars that I’d truly be able to start getting over everything but for that to happen I had to be there. I had to see it for myself that he was handcuffed and being -most likely- dragged out of the room for me to believe it, for me to accept that he’d be out of my life forever.  

“Stop over thinking and worrying.” Jake muttered against my hair as he placed a moist kiss against my faded red locks.  

“I can’t help it.” I croaked, my mouth was ever so dry and my voice shook with fear, I didn’t know how any of this would turn out.  

“You want to do this don’t you?” He asked, I could tell their was disappointment present in his voice. He also knew I had to do this to be happy once again, I had to do this not only for myself but for the guy I love. I’ve put him through so much and he’s still here for me, he’s put his life on hold for mine, that proves something doesn’t it? He basically has done everything he possibly could for me and now it’s time I return the favour and change my life for good.  

“I have to though.” I turned my head which caused him to move his slightly so my eyes were looking into his. His deep, beautiful, brown eyes -which I could see right into his soul when I looked into them- twinkled with love. I knew it was love because his eyes seemed to light up whenever he looked my way, they twinkled with so much emotion it made my heart race so fast in my chest but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s been more than eleven years now and this guy who was my best friend and the guy I love still managed to amaze me every single day.  

I realized I don’t think I’d ever thanked him for everything he had done for me, I’d never thanked him for sticking around when everyone else would have ran miles, I’d never thanked him for not treating me like every one else does, I’d never thanked him for getting me through everyday just by saying at least one word to me. “Thank you.” I spoke confidently now, a smile spread across my face as I kissed him gently on the lips. As I pulled away his hands cupped my face as he stared right into my eyes.  

“For what baby?” He spoke back, his eyes still locked on mine, it was like I was hypnotized by the connection we shared, the connection we had always shared.  

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