chapter 21 going to the mall

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Alex's p.o.v

I decided to take Sasha to the mall to let her get whatever her and Geo needed and I walked into Sasha's room and I stared at her and I heard crying and I walked into the boy's room and Geo was standing in his crib and he was crying and I picked him up and Kiyan he was laying there with a pacifier in his mouth sucking on it he was staring at me and smiling even though he had a pacifier in his mouth and I picked him up as well and he started giggling

*do you boys want to go to the mall with me* I asked them knowing they couldn't talk yet so they just nodded there heads and smiled at me and I put them down

*go get dressed Geo I'll get Kiyan dressed okay* I said and he nodded as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and some pants and some shoes

*ANDREW* I yelled and I heard stomping down the hall and I saw a very angry Andrew standing there looking high

*YES* he yelled

*Do you want to go to the mall with me and Geo and Kiyan* I asked

*NO I'M BUSY* he said and he started swaying and Geo ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his legs

*LET ME GO YOU LITTLE SHIT* he said and I heard someone clear there throat I looked past Andrew and I saw a very very pissed off Eliza oh shit he's dead now I thought as I grabbed Geo and held him close to me and I grabbed Kiyan as well and I walked out of there not wanting to get in the middle of it and I walked downstairs and I walked over to the couch and I set the boys down on the couch and I walked back upstairs and I heard yelling and I sighed and I walked past them and into Geo and Kiyan's room and I grabbed their diaper bag because they were still in diapers and I decided to grab a hand full of diapers and I grabbed their wiapes and I stared at them and they stared at me and I smiled at Andrew and I gave him a death glare and he smirked at me and he pulled out a cigarette and he pulled out a lighter and lit it,he brought it to his lips and blew out some smoke in my face and I huffed out a breath and pulled the diaper bag up closer to me and walked out of the room completely I made my way downstairs and I grabbed Geo and Kiyan and I walked out the door andI walked to my car and I put the boys in and I buckled them in and I ran up to the door and slammed it loud and hard because I was pissed at Andrew because he was smoking in the boys room and I didn't want my nephews going through that shit just like I did hell no I wasn't about to let that happen I got in my car and I gave them a sucker and they started laughing and giggling and I sent a text to Sasha saying that I have Kiyan and that I had Geo and that I should be at 5 or 4 so they can shop around and tell Eliza so she won't worry because I'm sure when she gets home she's gonna be freaking out and tell her that I said so they can get whatever they want she responded a thumbs up emoji and I turned my phone off.I was driving when I heard crying and I stared at the boys and I noticed that Kiyan didn't have a sucker and I groaned and pulled out another one and opened it with my teeth because I was driving and I didn't want to crash I handed it to him,he started giggling and I took the paper out of my mouth and put it in the cup holder and continued driving until we got to the mall and I parked the car and got them out and I held their hands as we crossed the street to the mall and I opened the door for them and a couple came by with there kids and I held the door open for them

*thank you, sir* the woman said smiling at me and the boyfriend or husband whatever he was just nodded and walked in

*You're very welcome ma'am* I said smiling at her

I grabbed the boys hands and walked around for a little while until I saw a store I thought the boys would like its a store Eliza always used to bring me to when our *parents* were out doing whatever they do and it had candy and toys in was pretty much a children's store it's cheap so that's a good thing I guess lol

Sorry if its a little confusing and short but the next chapter will be longer I promise that's all for now

Word count-861

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