chapter 14 Sam is cheating?

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Ashton's p.o.v

I was walking down the street because Eliza wanted me to go to the store to get some diapers and wipes because Geo was running out and I wanted to bring him with me because she needed a break he was sitting in his stroller and he was giggling and playing with my keys and he said *dada* I stopped dead in my tracks and I walked to the front of the stroller and he stared at me and said *dada* I stared at his face and he had Eliza's eyes and her hair and her ears and her mouth the only thing he has of jackson is his nose thank goodness I started laughing because jackson looks ugly as heck and I got in the store and I walked around the store and I noticed Sam standing there and she was clinging to a boy he looked older than her maybe 19 or 20 he looked annoyed and she kissed him and I walked over to her and she noticed me and she immediately pulled herself off him and the man stared at me and smiled at me 

*Hi I'm Anthony and I'm her boyfriend* he said casually 

I heard Geo crying and I got him out of the stroller and I put his pacifier in his mouth and he stopped crying and he rested his head on my shoulder and Anthony stared at me smiling 

*your son is so cute* he said smiling and touching his feet but I pulled him away from him 

*Please don't touch my son* I said

*I have to go bye* I said walking away pushing the stroller with one hand and holding Geo in the other hand 

*Do you need help sir* I turned around and saw a young woman and my eyes widened as I realized who it was

*no ma...* I started but I stopped and noticed it was Hailey *Hailey* I said with my eyes widening and she stared at me and looked at Geo 

*You have a son?!* she said shocked 

*no he's a friend of mine son I'm just picking up a few things for her because she didn't get enough sleep last night* I said gesturing to Geo who was starting to wake up and he stared at Hailey with wide eyes

*I have to go bye* i said rushing away from her and going down the isle with the wipes and diapers,I felt my phone vibrate and It was Eliza 

phone convo

Where are you I'm worried she said 

I'm getting his wipes now I replied back which was true 

Okay, can you get 2 packs of wipes and 3 more packs of diapers because I need to start stacking up again she said and sent a smiley face :) 

yes Eliza I will I gotta go because I'm holding up the line of mom's and they are all giving me death glares some are pregnant too I said 

Okay bye and lmao love you she typed back with a laughing face

bye and love u too  I said smiling to myself 

I walked up to the wipes and grabbed 3 packs and hurried out of there because all the women were surrounding me and giving me glares because I was taking to long and I walked up to the keys and I saw some teething toys as well so I picked up 4 teething rings one was blue the second was green and the third was white and the fourth was red and I grabbed 3 sets of keys of all colors and I walked up to the cashier and I put the items on the conveyor belt and the woman put the stuff in the bags and I put the stuff in the back of the stroller and I got a phone call and I answered it 

I'm on my way home now Eliza don't worry Geo is okay I said 

Okay I just wanted you to know I'm going to take Alex to his girlfriends house so we can have a talk with her parents she said I knew she had a attitude

Okay but please hurry me and Geo are heading home now I said 

Okay well we should be back by the time you get home she said 

Okay bye I said 

bye she said before hanging up

I walked to the restaurant and I saw Hailey coming out with a crying Geo 

*He won't stop crying Ashton I don't know what he wants I tried feeding him and changing him it didn't work we had to leave because people were getting annoyed with us* she said 

*Okay thanks, I have to get him home anyway his mom is looking for him any way she's getting worried and I better get home so she can change his clothes* I said

*Okay let's go kiddo* I said and I put Geo in the stroller and buckled him in and I handed him a pair of keys teething keys and started my way home when I noticed a candy store and I thought *maybe I should get Alex and Eliza and Geo some candy* I walked into the candy store and a young man was organizing candy and he turned around when he noticed me standing there 

*Hello sir welcome to candy land where we have almost every candy you could want* he said smiling at me

*do you have anything for babies around at 1-year old* I asked happily and Geo started bouncing up and down I let him out of the stroller and he started walking around and grabbing at stuff and I ran up to him and snatched him up and he stared at the sucker and grabbed it

*Is this okay for a 1-year old* I said smiling 

*No it isn't* he said

*thank you for your help* I said

I got 5 bags of suckers and 5 bags of skittles and 5 bags of m&ms and I paid for everything and I put it in the basket

my phone started ringing and I cursed under my breath

Where are you Alex said

We are on our way home now I'm at the park now I will be there in 5 minutes I promise I said  

Okay bye he said and hung up

I walked a little faster and Geo was giggling and laughing I knew exactly what I was going to tell Alex I just hope he doesn't kill me.....

Word count-1092

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