chapter 2 seeing them again?!

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picture of (Blake) Nate's friend i know he looks older in the picture but he's 17

Eliza's p.ov

*What do you guys want* I asked standing in front of Blake and Nate and they had smirks on there faces 

*We want you* Nate said with a amused look on his face he liked it when I was mad

*Get out of here now Nate and Blake* I turned around and saw Alex with a smirk on his face he walked past me and walked to Blake and Nate

He held something in his hand and I noticed it was a pocket knife

Nate looked scared and he ran to his car with Blake following after him and they got in his car and drove off I laughed so hard at their scared faces even though Blake has all those tattoos on his body he's still scared of a 12-year-old boy and I walked up to Alex and hugged him

*Thanks Alex but you're still in trouble for fighting at school,you might want to act right in school or you will be grounded but since you helped me with them 2 I'm letting you off the hook* I said

He smiled and said *thank you Eliza*

I walked up to the door opened it and walked into the kitchen and got out some leftover hamburgers but then I changed my mind put them back in the fridge and walked up to my room,I opened the door and got out my stack of cash I have from babysitting the neighbour's kids and got out three $20 bills and put them in my pocket I put the rest of the money in my safe,I have been saving up money for when we need food or clothes or pay the bills Alex helps out as well he walks the dogs around the block and he gets paid $10 for walking 3 dogs and sometimes more it depends on how many dogs they have and he saves it up as well he has $200 saved up and I have $430 saved up.

*ALEX* I yelled

I heard him running down the hallway and I turned around he was standing there in his boxers

I laughed

*yes, Eliza, I was about to take a shower* he said

*we are going to the store in 10 minutes so hurry up* I said

he nodded and ran to his room and I heard the door shut

I walked to my bathroom and ran the shower and I took off my clothes and put on *tenth avenue north you are more* I got in the shower and started singing

*you are more than the choices that you've made you are more than the problems you create you've been remade you are more than the choices that you've made you've been remade it's not about what you are but whats been done for you don't let your brokenness bring you down this is not about what you want but whats been done for you*

I couldn't sing anymore because tears were forming in my eyes and I got out of the shower and put a towel around me and walked out and put on a blue shirt, I put on some black jeans and some black shoes and I grabbed my money off the dresser and I put it in my pocket and I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out of my room and walked over to Alex's room and knocked on the door

*Alex are you ready* I said as I turned the handle and opened the door I looked at Alex and he was putting on some black jeans and a black shirt and some purple shoes

I smirked and said *are you ready now*

he nodded and said *Yeah*

*okay let's go do you have your money with you just in case you want something from the store* I asked

he nodded and said *yes I am taking $30 with me in case I want to eat something at school*

I nodded and we walked down the stairs and got in my car it was an old mustang it was black and my parents left it here because they took the other mustang oh well as long as they left the keys than I'm fine I got in the car and Alex got in the car and I buckled up my seat belt and Alex did the same thing and we drove to the store and we parked near the front we got out and walked in

Word count-772

student/teacher pregnancyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora