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My first advertisement was released after two months. It went on viral with the title "Ex-Rivals working together after years" Well, news spreads these days through social media or people digging our past out by just insiders.

Since everyone was busy with their own schedules and me on an empty schedule day, I was walking around COEX mall alone to look for some clothes to update my closet.

'Thank you.' I thanked the saleswoman before accepting the paper bag and walking out of the shop. As I happened to walk past the exit of the entertainment, I saw Hana walking out.

I was going to walk towards her when two teenage boys approached me.

'Sorry to disturb. By any chance, are you Kim MinSeo-ssi?'

'Yes, I am.' I smiled.

'Can we take a picture with you?'

'Yes, you may.'

'Thank you.' They were thanking me and I did the same too, as they walked away.

I quickly ran towards Hana to stop her. Her eyes were puffy and red.


I called her but she just walked passed me. I tried holding her hand to stop her but she pushed me away. She walked away but when I ran, I tripped and fell forward. I slowly stood up and realised that I accidentally bruised my knee.

Hana then helped me up before she pulled me into an embrace. 'Wae-yo?' I asked but no words came out except tears came out of her eyes.

'Gwenchana. Gwenchana. Eomeoni asked to join her for dinner. No boys and just us, girls and lady.'

'Alright.' Hana linked her arm with mine as I wiped her tears off and took a taxi to Eomeoni's home.

As we took the taxi there, we both did not exchange words but she rested on my shoulder, linking her arm to mine. At this point, I knew that something she's crying over may be related to Hansol-ssi.

'Good evening, Mrs Do. Thank you.' I thanked her as she took my coat off for me and Hana.

'Good evening, Miss Kim. Dinner is ready already. You may make your way to the dining room.' Mrs Do guided us to the dining room after she put the coats on the coats' stand.

'Eomeoni.' We greeted her and bowed before sitting down.

After that great dinner which was filled with all our waves of laughter, I then walked up to my bedroom with Hana. 

'Have a seat.' We both sat down on my bed, beside each other.

'And now. Are you ready to tell me what happened?' I put my hand on hers. 

'Ye.' She looked down and held my hand.

'It's Vernon.' Her eyes started turning red.

'Hansol? What about Hansol?' 

'We got broken up. Unwillingly. The company broke us up. They couldn't accept the fact that I was dating an idol of another company. They want me to end the relationship before the media finds out and they said that if I were to continue the relationship, they would end my contract.' The tears started an endless stream of tears. 

'Oh gosh. How could they? I'm so sorry, my dear.' Tears came out of my eyes as soon as I heard it. I then held her towards me. 

'Why is it always like this? We fight and we find each other back. Every time we go back to each other, we will split.' She started to raise her voice.

'I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry.' I cried as I held her tighter. 

No matter how hard, they've tried, it won't work. When two destined people are together but fate decides to pull them apart. When fate decides, it leaves them no choice but to split.

Hana was resting her head on my shoulder as I felt something rolling down from my nose. I touched and it was a red liquid. My blood.

'Your nose. It's bleeding.' Hana started panicking and ran to my table to get the tissue box.

'It's okay. Hana, calm down. Please.' I took the tissue as I tried to calm her down.

'Are you sure you're fine?' 

'Yes, it's alright.'

I wish that I could tell you but too soon.

We stayed there a little, catching up and laughing away before she got a call.

'Manager-nim. I got to go. It was really nice to talk to someone who actually cares. I'll see you soon, alright?' She got off the bed to take her belongings before walking out of the room with me. We walked down the stairs and thanked Mom and Mrs Do before wearing our coats and walking out of the house to take a bus home. We then parted ways at different bus stops. 

I got off the bus to see raindrops slowly. As I was about to walk out, the raindrops started increasing and getting heavier by every minute. I then wore the hood of my hoodie, preparing to run in the rain, but I stopped as I see Joshua running towards the bus stop with an umbrella.  

Without hesitating, I ran forward to hug Joshua. 

'Hey, stay in the umbrella.' He pulled me closer to him as we pulled away and linked arms. 

'What can I ever do without you?' 

Upon reaching home, we got washed up and was ready to sleep as we sat on my bed. He was pulling the blanket towards us when he asked, 'How was your appointment? What did the doctor say?' I stopped whatever I was doing and smiled, 'The doctor said that it was just lack of sleep. I'm alright.' 

'Promise, ya? I don't know how would I live without you.' He kissed my cheek before he held me in his arms then slowly drift to our lalaland. 

I'm sorry but it's too early to let you know.

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