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New school. New people.
New environment.
It's time for a new story,
a new chapter. 



'Wake up.' I could hear Joshua's voice by the side of my ear.

'Five more minutes.'  I covered my head with my blanket but I started feeling like someone was pulling my feet at the edge of my bed.

Shocked by the sudden movement, I jumped up from my bed to see Joshua at the edge of my bed.

'Good morning, it's your last day before school starts!'

'Good morning.' I smiled as I rubbed my right eye.

'It's our last day to spend together and also since we are preparing our concerts now, we are given a day off today, so I'll spend it with you today.'

'It's only eight in the morning?' I asked as I took a look at the clock.

'Ya.' He laughed as he came to give me a hug.

'Morning kiss?'

'No. Go wash up and get changed. I have somewhere to bring you to.'

After washing up, I got dressed with our matching black jackets then went on the subway together. Obviously, with our masks and hats on.

'Since it might be our last day together until a long time, I want to bring you to somewhere special to me.'

We then went to Lotte Mall.

'Follow me.' He held my hand through the crowd of people, walking around the mall, since it was a Sunday.

We then went to the entrance of the amusement park.

'Are we really going into there?' My eyes widen as I asked.

'Yup. The tickets are here.' He smiled as he showed me the tickets.

We then went in to the amusement part, taking off our hats since we are in an indoor area but our masks are still on.

'How did you manage to get the tickets so quickly ? The queue is like woah.' I asked, as I was still in shock.

'Manager-Hyung.' He smiled as he held onto my hand.

He then held my hand to walk me to the ride.

But I wished all this was real. All this did not happened. It was all just a dream. Why must the alarm clock destroy a dream like this?

I stretched my arms out and started to accept the fact that it really is the last day of my holiday before school really starts. 

I just stood up from my bed, wearing my bunny slippers before I walked to grab my phone then walked to bathroom to start my morning routine. 

After cleaning up and cooking, I sat down by the sofa to eat my breakfast. 

Living with them for almost two to three years, I am used to not being able to see them in the morning as often as before anymore and tomorrow, it will be the day that I will be moving to a new apartment in my college's dormitory building, alone. 

I was sitting by the sofa, eating while scrolling through my phone. All the photos of their new comeback was posted on social media and I still feel really proud of them.

Just after I put my bowl into the sink, I received a text from Joshua. 

It's our comeback stage today. Do you want to come over to the studio?

I took a look at the unpacked boxes then replied.

Maybe not. Sorry, I still have things to pack. I'll try to be there if I can. 

He then replied.

Alright. I love you~

I smiled at his reply then replied back. 

Love you too. 

I sighed as I stepped into my room, back to packing. 


After two hours of packing my textbooks, along with my shampoo, face wash and cleansing-related stuff inside, and my clothes, I then showered and get dressed to go to the location. I still had time to get coffee for them. 

I then took a taxi to go there. Reaching there, JaeEun-eonni then brought me to their waiting room. I still have to spend some time with them before I leave right?

'I'll take these and put them on the table.  You can go to them.'

'Thank you, eonni.' I smiled before she took the bags of coffee and opened the door. 

'Guys, look who's here!' Seungkwan shouted as he came towards me. 

'Jagi!' Joshua came running to me and gave me a hug before Seungkwan which just walked away upon his sudden arrival. 

'I thought you weren't coming?'

'I mean I still have to see you guys right?'

'But tomorrow, you're leaving.' He pouted his lips. 

'I know. That is why, I'm here.' I gently touched his nose. 

'JiSoo-hyung, don't keep MinSeo to yourself!' The rests shouted behind. 


Right after their performance, which is the only thing on their schedule, we then went home together. We then showered and prepared to go to bed.

'I'm staying here till tomorrow morning.' Joshua came running onto my bed as I opened my room door after saying my goodbyes to the other guys.

'I'll turn off the lights.' I said before I turned off the lights then tried to find my way to my bed. 

'Ah!' I shrieked after I tripped and fell onto Joshua. 

'Are you okay?' He laughed at me before holding me in his arms. 

'Ya.' I hit him playfully.

'I'm so proud of you. You're all grown up and tomorrow, you're going to college.' He cried as he held onto my hand with his left hand.

'Stop sounding like my mom. I'll miss you a lot.' I hugged him with my eyes closed. 

'I love you, MinSeo-ssi.' He kissed the top of my head.

'I love you too, Hong JiSoo-ssi.' I said before closing my eyes, lying in his arms. 


'I really don't want you to go.' I mumbled, knowing that she fell asleep.

I then gently leave her on her bed and put an envelope, from my pocket, under her phone.

I felt sorry that she could not go to her dream school and she chose to stay here to stay with us. I know she did regret not going there but she hid it. This is how great she is. She is willing to give up everything, just for me and I'm blessed to have her.

She's leaving the next day but I couldn't send her to school due to work and she did not show sadness to us but I could see it through her eyes. She's my everything and I really wish she knew that.  

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